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Looks like I can make it smile.gif
Yet Another Fool
Eternal desk job ?
I dont mind about the weapons, even "only shortbow allowed" could be very fun.

Did everyone here vote for a date ? because according to the current results and ignoring the funny answers, that makes 11 players available on sunday and 8 players available on saturday. that's a little bit too less for Citadel/Belmez. Or at least it's my humble opinion. I guess it's wait and see if there is more registration during this week.
Darkforest and stoneshill absolutely, and belmez so, if it gets that far, we can have a king vs king duel at the end smile.gif

Also, limiting class/weapon types is a good idea in theory, but it just ruins the fun, people should play what they like and knows best. No limitations I say. Feint should be allowed, not that many use it anyway(*cough*draconix), especially not the high lvl players. And if you do, eh so be it. A good player learns and wont be fooled a second time.

Also Liche, make a new poll. Since its basically saturday or sunday, make a poll that have three options. Can only play saturday, can only play sunday, or can play both dates. Then we'll know the numbers better.
Liche ===============> Last vote , be sure about what you want . (btw you can vote for more than 1 thing)

Last vote we got 26 votes tongue.gif

Here I want the same , or more please !
well guy i'm a theory person, and theory and practice never go well together wink.gif but with feinting very few people do it but its just ruins the fun for people in many cases because its annoying, quite unhonorable and any ape could do it. and well maybe later on after the main games/ possibly fists we just have archers only game that would potentially be fun wink.gif


I made this poll what we should do for the special matches during the game.
Also, I think the top 4 or 5 choices should be the ones that are carried out during the battle. As trying to do all of them would take too long tongue.gif
Sir Godfrey the Unwise
My Dear Fellows,
This indeed sounds like a lot of merry japes all round and I would enjoy having my head significantly mashed by Darksteels hammer, or lopped off by the swinging doom of Agent. I can make either day.
It would be most amusing to have a mass Stoneshill catapult party, I'll bring the mead I'm tired of blood...

Yours in noblest intention

Sir Godfrey

(Full title - Sir Godfrey Horsewerstswift Montgomery Lloyds Mittelschmerz the Unwise and Incompetent).
This is not a match to know who is better. We already know the regulars are beasts.
But what if my favourite weapon is the Banhammer? biggrin.gif
this is more about having fun than finding the biggest beasts of them all, specially that everyone here is very good biggrin.gif

also banhammer over 9000 damage wink.gif
Hey , well thank's you all about voted. We have 27 vote , more than the last time .

I think we should let the vote open until tomorrow night.

But currently The fight will probably happens at sunday of this week , at 19pm (london hour) .

I was asked to come to this event, so I will! You can expect me to appear on Sunday, 08:00PM Brussels time, 19PM London time.
I don't necessarly have a problem with any player, except Mikeh biggrin.gif he's too dangerous. For the rest, aside of Gaylord, who is just impossible, it should be doable. I'm not 100% sure who of all the players are with SM though.
The bad ones tongue.gif
It would also be a pleasure to me. Crossbow, sabre, billhook - whatever you need. You have my arms, milord. Anytime.
hmm actually I can probably make sunday.
I expect a hangover though
Looking at the people who want to play, so far none of the incompetant public have signed up :S
well that means pretty much everyone can make Sunday seems like ^^

also that's kind of good that incompetent people didn't signed up, cause im sure they will be really annoying like in the archer matches (if it happens tongue.gif)
they may be like ''nope don't care going as knight'' etc, it will just keep the game calm!

but everyone here is civilised so there wont be those kind of problems (I hope!)
It will happen Eternal, don't you worry thumbsup.gif
What was time for sunday? I'm prety sure that I could make it too, if there's still room for some surprises tongue.gif
QUOTE (Sneeky @ Dec 3 2014, 05:43 PM) *
It will happen Eternal, don't you worry thumbsup.gif

better tongue.gif
hmm, I think after checking time differenes I'm able to join on Sunday, on Saturday I've band practice from ~14 p.m London time and they've tended to last about 5 hours, so I might be actually able to come also at Saturday but I cannot promise that. You also might know that I usually switch weapon sets or classes between different maps ( I use real dices to make choice biggrin.gif), so any weapon restriction doesn't bother me.

I can't do this date. Maybe next time. Its probably for the best though. These regulars would see me on the battlefield and drop their weapons weeping to be forgiven for deigning to raise arms at me.

Then I'd lick my bumhole.

and itd just end up getting awfully awkward for everyone involved.

yes, probably better if I dont attend
Well , it's ok then , the match is for This sunday at 19pm London hour.

Keep an eye on the forum , to get the password when the server will be put private.

Also Meowric , It's a shame . Definitely.
Yet Another Fool
How many clan members have confirmed so far ? Because it feels like there are way more regulars than =SM= members.
well as far as im aware SM members who gonna play are:
-4zk (i think)
-Guy Incognito
-Marsche (i think)
-Deskjob (or dzejkob but to say it read it like zeyjkob)

Also Asder is maybe (due to work)

(if i forgot someone or got any of those wrong sorry about that then)

and regulars:
-Yet another fool
-Black hole sun
-Time wave
-Sir voltus
-Sir godfrey the unwise
-Knh-leading by example (i think)
-Draconix (not playing just spectating)

that's hopefully the complete list of regulars+SM members who will be there, so yeah we are bit outnumbered, but we are doing banter stuff mostly so it doesn't matter tongue.gif

Oh and as Sneeky said in shout-box it would be nice to be able to talk to people tongue.gif so we could use team-speaker 3, Mumble or just skype (skype only if small amount of ppl wanna be sociable) So if people say what they want to use it, it would be nice.
Black hole sun
ok guys, unfortunately i cant join on sunday, bu´t i wish you all a lot of fun and please kill deskjob as much as possible with a hammer for me : D
QUOTE (Black hole sun @ Dec 4 2014, 12:57 PM) *
ok guys, unfortunately i cant join on sunday, bu´t i wish you all a lot of fun and please kill deskjob as much as possible with a hammer for me : D

well luckily my name is not deskjob but dzejkob tongue.gif and hammers, easy, ill get my broom wink.gif
Where the hell is Bishie and Bastion? I need my hammerbros for this sad.gif
If there are more regulars than SM, i can switch ^^
(I like playing with the SM as well, and I think I'm not the only one.)
Bishie has been inactive for a very long time but still comes on steam often, however he doesn't really talk to any of us nor does he play Chivalry anymore. As for Bastion I don't know.

Anyway I mainly use maul now so we can be hammerbros together! tongue.gif

EDIT : Bishie has removed me from his steam so I guess that's a sign he doesn't want to be a part of SM anymore.
QUOTE (Sneeky @ Dec 4 2014, 04:56 PM) *
Bishie has been inactive for a very long time but still comes on steam often, however he doesn't really talk to any of us nor does he play Chivalry anymore. As for Bastion I don't know.

Anyway I mainly use maul now so we can be hammerbros together! tongue.gif

EDIT : Bishie has removed me from his steam so I guess that's a sign he doesn't want to be a part of SM anymore.

I could try to talk to him the next time he comes online, since I still got him.

Is there any rule on how long you may be inactive from the game/clan until you lose membership?
Oh my, I just realized that when it should begin, it's 21 p.m finnish time and I have wake up 5 a.m local time for work, so I guess that I could join up maybe only for an hour :/
QUOTE (Marsche @ Dec 4 2014, 04:12 PM) *
Is there any rule on how long you may be inactive from the game/clan until you lose membership?

Not ATM but there's uttering a of such things in the clan members area in respect of voting quorum by active players

Although I should probably post in members area, I kinda think active should be anyone that's played in the last month and anyone outside that should still be listed in the clan but as inactive and moved into an inactive admin list. Then if still inactive for a certain period, just removed from the clan

Im posting this for Loki because he wanted to join in with the regulars. I hope thats ok?

So many good players in the regulars now xD

I may be able to maul with you too Guy and Sneeky biggrin.gif

Bishie's removed you? ohmy.gif Hasn't removed me, and steam says he was last online yesterday :/
I've removed bishie from the clan - following on from the clantags vote. A few others affected too
Can't make it in the end, wifey has other plans...
#boytoy #hosb4bros
Forgive me for not paying attention to this post earlier ( tongue.gif )

I was told by Liche to look at this. Both dates are fine by me.
You can count me in biggrin.gif
Zeripper it's a shame.

And here you are Viking ! tongue.gif
Name: SM vs Dirty Peasant Server Regulars

Connection Info:

Server password: sneaky

Public TeamSpeak:

Time: 7th Dec @ 19:00 GMT/UTC

Just in case my computer blows up, I've created a server management account.
Username: peasants
password: ** same as the admin password **
control panel:

Thanks you Monkey for your awesome photoshop skills.
Although that's how you start rebellions biggrin.gif

For everyone interested, remember London time is UTC+0, or Zulu+0, or GMT+0.
Or just google "London time" and see the time it is there now and calculate.
See you at 19:00h!
Glorious picture Monkey! Just the way I imagined it biggrin.gif
I have arrived, and it is now that I perform my charge
After I've had my tea
ffs Mikeh

Im gonna take yur head for being late like this
So, if the game turns out to be 10 SM vs 25 regulars, how should we handle it?
The Mob vs.
Info: The serve isn't behaving as it should be. Me and Dzejkob were testing it and it works fine when we play it normally, but if we change a map, it won't let us do anything. Select team, loc in as admin or even leave the game, so there's a bit of a problem.
Asder just changed the map , and no problem tongue.gif
We are learning so much about how to NOT organize an event smile.gif
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