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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment

might as well get down to the business xD
my name is Jakub and currently i live in UK although i originally come from great nation of Poland wink.gif
i play Sm severs all the time on chivalry and i'm really enjoying the company, and try my best to be an all right player, and well im in top 10 on archer limited biggrin.gif

which to be honest i just found out today, so quite suprised xD
i get on with majority of people by trying not to talk too much and well i just hope i can help you guys somehow because i really am grateful for all those fun spend hours on your servers smile.gif
hope you guys consider it and well have a good evening biggrin.gif

with kind regards
Nice to see you want to be a part of us! Whar will happen to the Eternal now? ohmy.gif
hey penguin biggrin.gif

well nothing really to be quite honest, eternal clan doesn't do anything nowadays :C
although i like the name so ill keep it wink.gif but really i don't think there is nothing wrong with more than one clan, this is more about having good time with others whilst playing video games tongue.gif more over i did read this and doesn't mention anything about other clans under the third section about recruitment so i hope its all right with people
I still can rekt you Eternal.

But whalecum o/
QUOTE (Dithyrambique @ Oct 5 2014, 08:25 PM) *
I still can rekt you Eternal.

But whalecum o/

come at me bro, ill shank ya

no but really hi and thanks xD
also i did not see that cumming dithy tongue.gif
Hey smile.gif

I thought Eternal was a clan itself as have seen quite a few eternal_ people around
QUOTE (Jen @ Oct 6 2014, 08:05 AM) *
Hey smile.gif

I thought Eternal was a clan itself as have seen quite a few eternal_ people around

hi! firstly please to meet you Jen since i don't think we have talked before smile.gif and secondly it is a clan so you thought right but we don't do anything really, but that doesn't matter xD i just like the way you run servers and as I've said before i just want to join to meet some new people have bit of banter, since the clans in my opinion are more social circles and i do not think there is something wrong with joining more than one smile.gif i mean i just don't want this to be a problem, (and i hope its not all ready), that i'am all ready in one also the terms and conditions don't say anything about it

sorry about writing so much since you didn't say anything about this being a problem but i rather just have a good explanation, just in case xD
Welcome to the site man, cool you want to join, you are a fun guy!
QUOTE (GuyIncognito @ Oct 6 2014, 12:03 PM) *
Welcome to the site man, cool you want to join, you are a fun guy!

thanks for those nice comment ^^
well the usual process is to refer this over to a clanvote.

The rules say bare minimum of 20 hours logged on the SM servers... I think you've just about covered that one tongue.gif
QUOTE (MonkeyFiend @ Oct 7 2014, 07:56 AM) *
well the usual process is to refer this over to a clanvote.

The rules say bare minimum of 20 hours logged on the SM servers... I think you've just about covered that one tongue.gif

yep just about wink.gif and thanks for the reply now its down to good ole democracy xD
Want to change my abstain to a yes, nice guy to play chiv with!

EDIT : WHoops wrong thread! tongue.gif
QUOTE (Sneeky @ Oct 9 2014, 11:09 PM) *
Want to change my abstain to a yes, nice guy to play chiv with!

EDIT : WHoops wrong thread! tongue.gif

damn it sneeky with your spoilers wink.gif anyways thanks for the good comment ^^
Haha np smile.gif
I'll grab monkey about this tonight. He should be in the office somewhere, but probably trying to avoid work as usual tongue.gif
hehehe, thanks meowric!
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