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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Support > PC, Website, Server & Game Support
The three related kicks for PB are

"Heartbeats stopped" , "Handshakes failed" and another initialization error,

If you've not played bf2 for a long time, you may not have taken in that damn change where PB started running as a system service rather than a program.

If you run 'services.msc' and have a look for pnkbstrA and pnkbstrB and make sure they are both running
The only other cause I know for the heartbeats message is a firewall blocking either of these two - so check your settings in whatever firewall you have smile.gif

If you have been able to play (recently) without any issues, I assume after updating PB you restarted your computer? tongue.gif
I had error trying to load PBCL, but after running update last night it was all fine
lol yeah, although I think your PB was just really old kermit, whereas I think apples is being blocked by something screwy like a firewall seting smile.gif

that being said after a PB update restarting the computer often fixes it smile.gif
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