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Full Version: Applying L4D
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Hey guys, i saw some of you play for a small while now while playing left 4 dead and it is a laugh playing with you guys with a decent amount of skill, i was intrestest if your still recuiting ? 

Im English, I have a Mic for Teamspeak, Vent or skype, i am often playing and i love good team work to get things done , i also like to have a laugh and a friendly joke as well to keep spirits up, i am not the best player in the world but im not a retard at playing it. 

Regards Nick C 

someone with higher authority than myself will answer this tomorrow. When everyone is at work and are too lazy to do in any real work.
QUOTE(kartious @ Jul 22 2009, 04:39 PM) *
Hey guys, i saw some of you play for a small while now while playing left 4 dead and it is a laugh playing with you guys with a decent amount of skill, i was intrestest if your still recuiting ?

Im English, but im a retard at it.

Regards Nick C

i do believe we are still recruiting rolleyes.gif . we also play Battlefield2 if you ever want to get in on that action laugh.gif and sorry to hear your English, i know how bad you must feel wink.gif
Hi Kartious,

Thanks for dropping by and posting, not sure I've played with or against you myself, bu tlook forward to doing so in the future. If you click the 'Join steam group' link on the front page you can join the =SM= group; so you'll be able to see when people are in game etc., and likewise we'll be able to invite you.

We're mainly casual - generally enjoying fun games than focussing on winning matches at all costs. As fido (the one with the funny accent) said we're currently running a L4D server and a BF2 server, so feel free to drop by either smile.gif

We have a TS server (gnerally for BF2) but in L4D tend to use the in-game chat.

Anyway, look forward to seeing you in game soon - generally after playing we'll be able to decide on thre recruitment (it also gives you a chance to change your mind too tongue.gif)


so we dont kidnap them and make them joing anymore?
ssshshhh... don't scare him away yet tongue.gif
Thanks for giving me a trial, i will be on soon, i only have L4D atm as i never really like battle feild, also the L4D speach system is really sucky for me i can never really under stand people and my mic goes wild on it but i am up for using your Ts system at any time. i know your a casual fun clan which makes this clan most attractive for me as i am fed up of people completely losing it over you if you do one mistake or something like raging the chat haha. 
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