blimey, am looking at the BF2 server rules posted in August 2007... that's going back a while

bunnyhopping aloud/ dolphin diving - never had a problem with jumping. Dolphin diving disappeared when they patched the stamina penalty
no fighting commander - we used to say fighting commander allowed provided they command properly. Good commanders would provide rear flag defence while commanding, bad ones would just run and gun and use assets for themselves. Might want a poll on this - see what everyone wants? (personally I don't mind either way)*
64 map but only have the maxium of 32 players - agreed more than 32 slots costs more, lags more and requires 10 players to kick it off. *
no base rape - yep, baserape is noobish. We can tailor autoadmin to prevent people running into uncaps. If we get a server I'll bring that viglin xeon server online to act as an admin machine*
no taking out uav/ scanner because commanders cant do jobs - never seen that suggested. Lookin at karkand the non-fighting commanders tended to lurk near their own assets as engineers to repair them. Again am open to other opinions*
no claymores on the flag radius - we previously allowed this. It's not possible (for 1 sniper) to completely cover a flag by claymores so that it can't be capped. I've always felt that its a big pain when you run all the way to cap a flag just to be blown up..
but this also help promote teamwork. People don't mind being blown up if they've got a medic near them ready for a revive.*
no c4 on flag radius - c4 on flags is very obvious. Again you can usually get someone where it wont kill you. It also requires the spec ops person to be alive and watching, so means that an attacker must clear the area first. The teamwork factor is alsosame as claymores above.*
no g36e lmao - nope, although I believe the g36e is overpowered, I believe people should be allowed to play the game in their own way. (also because if you restrict g36e, the next weapon people moan about is the gp30 and we wouldn't want that now?

auto-admin - yeah, for no baserape, long distance shots, namehacks etc.,
i think the amount of rounds for that map should be 99 - if we're doing karkand then yes, saves with the loading between rounds
friendly fire on - the 3 options are On, Off and On for claymores only. FF OFF causes stupidity (e.g. people c4ing themselves to rooftops). The claymore only option reduces clay spammage which is good but then people tend to play support and spam grenades with impunity. (since they won't get negative points for nade damage, you essentially get an advancing wall of explosives

(* the ones marked with * might be worth doing a poll for)