Gummy Bear
May 29 2009, 11:38 PM
May 30 2009, 08:50 AM
considering ive made suggestions on and off through the shoutbox for quite a while, and had no response from fido himself as to whether hes tried them or even bothered to acknowledge them, i truely cant be arsed. just like, he cant be arsed to start a thread about his own computer - he has to get someone else to do it for him.
May 30 2009, 09:27 PM
1. Re-seat and re-apply heat sync and thermal paste.
2. Make sure everything is correctly connected
Do you get any error screens?
Does it boot to BIOS?
Can you get into Dafe Mode?
Can you run a Linux from a disc?
May 31 2009, 05:42 PM
hey guys. the computer won't even display anything. i cannot reply very often because i cannot gety online at home. i have to wait till i'm at someone elses computer. i did a system recovery and windows reinstalled. worked for about 2 days the it froze when the HP healthcheck came on. then it crashed like a plane into the twin towers. i haven't been able to get it to come back on since. all i get is a blank screen. a guy at the computer shop told me i need to reinstall the OS from a disk and not use the factory settings that are on my E drive. i don't know how to do that if i can't get anything to even come up on the screen. the whole thing sux. i guess i'm just going to have to be down until i can afford a new computer. i was planning on buying a desktop anyways when school started back up. but i will still have to buy another laptop also now for school, but it won't have to be one as expensive as the one i had cause i won't be using it for games. just building some games using crappy torque. anyways, thanx for all the suggestions. i couldn't read all of them i'm sure, cause i wasn't able to log on and post on the shoutbox disappear. hopefully i'll be back on soon.
May 31 2009, 07:09 PM
download linux then put it on a dvd. then see if your computer will boot from that. That way you can possible get access and remove any files you may wanna keep.
Then find your windows disk and stick that in the machine
May 31 2009, 08:31 PM
QUOTE(Lawpf2001 @ May 31 2009, 02:09 PM)

download linux then put it on a dvd. then see if your computer will boot from that. That way you can possible get access and remove any files you may wanna keep.
Then find your windows disk and stick that in the machine
ok, i will seeif i can do that. where can i dl linux from?
May 31 2009, 09:09 PM
google is an amazing tool. you should use it sometime
May 31 2009, 09:19 PM
QUOTE(Lawpf2001 @ May 31 2009, 04:09 PM)

google is an amazing tool. you should use it sometime
May 31 2009, 10:48 PM
if u dont even no how to download linux, you definitly wont no how to use it, theres many different flavours each suited for different things. if you got a few different partitions/harddrives going on youll have to mount those as well which is generally via command line and can be a pain working out which one to mount as the naming convention isnt exactly obvious. id recommend staying away from it, but if you want to try it, good luck - id go for fedora, think it has a live cd version which means u can run from disc without having to install anything.
anyway, can you get into your bios at all, like by pressing delete or whatever your mobo wants you to press when you turn it on, or do you actually see nothing?
if you actually see nothing, (obviously check for loose cable connections first), then try removing your graphics card and either use your onboard vga port to connect your monitor to, or use an older gfx card or borrow one from a friend and try it with that.
if that fails, try starting your pc up with only one stick of ram in (if you have 2 or more that is) - a stick may have brokededed/
or, trying install windows on a new/different hard drive...
it could really be anything but tbh if youve already reinstalled windows once that kinda rules out a software related issue, so its gotta hardware, and i remember you saying a while back you had a blue screen bitching about display adaptor, which is why you should try the graphics card solution first
Jun 1 2009, 08:08 AM
i only suggested Linux to get extract stuff from his hard drive. as I beleive he's on a laptop not PC. Id recommend going to a more specialist PC help forum as well
Jun 1 2009, 08:43 AM
yeh i get that, im just saying itll be a lot harder then youve made out.
so is it a laptop or a desktop youve got fido?
Jun 1 2009, 10:42 AM
QUOTE(fido77 @ May 31 2009, 06:42 PM)

then it crashed like a plane into the twin towers.
A bit harsh fido? Seem like a stupid thing to say
Jun 3 2009, 11:33 PM
QUOTE(Magik5 @ Jun 1 2009, 03:43 AM)

yeh i get that, im just saying itll be a lot harder then youve made out.
so is it a laptop or a desktop youve got fido?
it is a laptop. i tried taking out the memory sticks and booting up with just one in and swithcing them out. still nothing. i have also posted on the HP support forums. i am going to everyone i know that may no a little about some of this stuff. u gotta remember, this is the first decent computer i have ever had, so i'm not very good with fixing them. if it was a desktop i'd just start replcing stuff till it worked(probably end up with a whole new computer by the time it did, lol). but i'll probably end up buying a new puter

this laptop has lasted a whole year and a half with all the games i play and program on it. its amazing it lasted this long. others crashed during the first semester of school. it only had 15gb left on the C drive. of course after i did the system recovery that put me back at 83gb. i'm not sure if i can replace the graphics card or not. it has a nvidia 8600, but i'm not sure if it can be taken out. i was planning on buying a desktop or building one anyway(just didn't know i'd be buying another laptop also). so, i'll be back on soon i hope. it may take until september tho
Jun 8 2009, 08:22 AM
you're turning it on and getting nothing on the screen at all?
Any beeping?
what the hard drive activity lights doing?
My gut feeling when a laptop shows jusdt a black screen or crashes for no reason is that it's overheating - the fans and grills are much smaller and tend to clog up with dust more easily.
If you haven't tried already then maybe opening it up and clearing out the dust around the CPU and maybe re-seating the CPU would help.
Jun 10 2009, 04:43 PM
i'll give that a trie. the hard drive light blinks and does stuff like its working fine, and the mute light goes on and off like its trying to boot up. i have a guy that can get me computers now for less than half the price they are in the stores, so will be getting a better laptop and a desktop soon for less than $1000. so will be back to gaming, and be able to do it better too!!! lol
Jun 10 2009, 08:10 PM
build your own or get someone else to build you one. no longer will i buy pre made ones
Jun 11 2009, 03:07 AM
it will cost me less to buy a premade one. and i don't have much money
Jun 11 2009, 07:59 AM
the only thing to note though is the vast difference in price and spec between laptops and normal pc (also the lack of general ability to upgrade a laptop) - out of curiosiy why not just get a really good desktop??
Jun 11 2009, 11:27 AM
if you made yourself a pc and compared it to pre-built pc of the same standard. then id say the hand made one would come out cheapest even including p&p. However, you'll need to take into consideration the time it takes to build. Unless you get someone else to do it! Newegg do some great deals when you take rebates etc.
Jun 18 2009, 09:06 PM
put my hardrive in another computer, and the error messages say something about a patch error.
Jun 21 2009, 03:50 PM
its fucked mate. Build a new one.
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