May 17 2009, 02:30 AM
ok, lets see if we can make an awesome map! i have been reading the tutorials and trying to see how this thing works. so far looks pretty simple.
i was thinking of trying to make a campaign to where at the end of each area there are more than one saferooms, but depending on which u go in the area where u start the next round will be different. would prob be kinda long and take some time, but if a few of us were working on it it should be quite easy. maybe. lol.
May 17 2009, 09:42 AM
Guaranteed L4D will be as popular as BF2 by the time anyone finished a map, especially one with mutiple saferooms etc.
May 17 2009, 11:28 AM
im gayme, im sure your only allowed one safe room per map though...
May 17 2009, 05:52 PM
i'm still reading the tutorials
May 17 2009, 06:03 PM
basic mapping is incredibily simple, just sticking a bunch of brushes together, its just when u wana do your custom events, with custom models etc it begins to get tricky
May 17 2009, 09:54 PM
yeah, i don't think we need custom infected and characters. lol. unless we make a tankboomer!!!! muahahahaha
=R6= Raile
May 18 2009, 09:40 AM
i'm sure you can do multiple saferooms, its prob just as 5 said, tricky. It's prob a good idea dude to keep it simple on the first map. WAY easier to do a non-linear map, that all converge on the same saferoom, then to make them all end in their own areas. And I think simply making a non-linear map would be a huge improvement.
May 18 2009, 10:50 AM
only issue with non linear is that one route may be easier then the rest so its finding an even balance for each one that will be tricky.
definitly agree itll make it more interesting tho
=R6= Raile
May 18 2009, 11:19 AM
agreed.. if the map is played often, people will figure out which is easier and then always go the same way. i wonder if there is a way to random it up? something to make it easier one way, one time, and easier another way another time? something to entice you, but not force you, to pick a certain path.. but that "something" pushes you towards a different path each time... like i almost want to say, a witch a little ways down one path, to make you go the other way.. although i'd say a witch is not good enough. would have to be something a bit more worrying. any ideas?
May 18 2009, 11:34 AM
the raile-boomer would send me down a different route anyday of the week...
hmm wonder if you can generate random terrain, or im sure you can randomise whether a specific wall is there to block you or not so your forced down a different route...
=R6= Raile
May 18 2009, 11:46 AM
true but I was thinking more along the lines of not forcing them down a path.. just want to give them a subtle nudge so the way they think is always the easiest of the options, this particular time looks a lot harder then usual.
May 18 2009, 12:23 PM
hmm we need a theme/location/scene to be put together, im sure we will be doing this for a vs map so will need plently of high buildings to jump off, walls/objects to hide behind etc.
err for the finale, how about escape via military submarine, where u fight through an army base and get to the sub type thing... most other escape vehicles have already been used....
May 18 2009, 12:27 PM
what about the saferoom sends you to a random spot on the next map? like a random transition or something?
=R6= Raile
May 18 2009, 12:31 PM
i'd still like to do karkand. i said before if we did a group effort, it would make it a lot easier to work with a source that we all know so well.
could be done non-linear too quite easily i think.. if done non-linear tho, might be a bit small for a full 5 map campaign, however you could easily turn it into a 3 map campaign i think.. and tbh the whole 5 maps of a campaign aren't really necessary
if you guys are still interested i'll get to making up a map of how the levels would work. or atleast a starting point so you could give feedback, etc.
=R6= Raile
May 18 2009, 12:32 PM
QUOTE(fido77 @ May 18 2009, 01:27 PM)
what about the saferoom sends you to a random spot on the next map? like a random transition or something?
wouldnt that be kind of odd, gameplay-wise tho? i mean, you basically get teleported?
May 18 2009, 12:35 PM
yeh im game for karkand, i wasnt sure if anyone else was. i think 3 maps is ideal, as we wont be struggling to fit in the content, and the games wont last hours on end resulting in mass rage quits etc
May 18 2009, 12:52 PM
QUOTE(=R6= Raile @ May 18 2009, 07:32 AM)
wouldnt that be kind of odd, gameplay-wise tho? i mean, you basically get teleported?
well, its just an idea. and not really teleport. maybe just when u leave the saferoom on the next round its a different map than the time u played before. it would be like playing a different campaign everytime, except it would be the same first map. and it would be quite original, and we could always use karkand.
May 18 2009, 12:54 PM
i think karkand would be easiest, cause its alot easier to make something if you have a model of it to go by. and i think the boomertank will be awesome! muahahahahahaha
=R6= Raile
May 18 2009, 01:17 PM
QUOTE(fido77 @ May 18 2009, 01:52 PM)
well, its just an idea. and not really teleport. maybe just when u leave the saferoom on the next round its a different map than the time u played before. it would be like playing a different campaign everytime, except it would be the same first map. and it would be quite original, and we could always use karkand.
oh right, i thought you meant you come in on the same map, but in a different random part of the map.. which i thought would seem like teleporting into the map..
May 18 2009, 02:49 PM
wow, i just looked at the hospital model. looks like alot of work to make. but, if we make a couple of small models, it will get alot easier to use all the tools. i'm gonna need more time, lol. i'm sure after we get it all done tho it will be very much worth all the effort. plus can use it when trying to get a job at a game company. i'm gonna have to stop playin the game and spend more time looking at this thing
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