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ok to get some idea of why t'internet is broked, we need some info...

1. What make is your wireless router?
2. on your computer, if you click start>run>type 'cmd' and press ok, then in the black screen type 'ipconfig' what is your IP address listed as?
3. Are you using any 3rd party programs to handle wirless e.g. netgear wireless utility or is it done through windows?

From this we can tell whether the computer is actually connecting to the wireless router....

4. click start>control panel>network connections>look for network connections* and open it (if you can't see it, select 'switch to classic view' on the left first. Next right-click on your wireless network adapter and select properties, then the wireless networks tab. Is your connection in the preferred connections list? if so click on it and select properties... what is the network authentication and data encryption set to?

5. Because that was a nerdy post, I'll finish on a bad joke.. how do you get pikachu on a bus?.......................................................... you poke-him-on sad.gif (apologies)


=R6= Raile
wireless sucks!
monkey's jokes suck! tongue.gif
My dad wrote this, hence the formality, and general good grammar XD

1. Linksys WRT54G
2. It's not - that's one of my problems.
It says "An internal error occurred: The request is not supported"
3. I've tried Windows Zero and the Linksys utility.
4. Nothing there - probably because I tried uninstalling the drivers to reload them.

Thanks in anticipation.
cooo that's not your basic problem, that implies something is up with the network stack or similar.

Had any potential virus problems or similar?

Firstly you need to make sure the drivers for your wireless card/dongle are installed (you mentioned in point 4 you ununstalled them) - just make sure you can see the wireless device in device manager (in control panel/system) that theres somethign in there in the network adapters section and there are no exclamtions or question marks

have a look in:


for a file called tcpip.sys (not tcpip6.sys), if it's there rename it tcpip.bak then head over to C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache and copy the tcpip.sys file to C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers

if that doesn't work you can grab a windows cd and

Click Start > Run, type CMD and click OK.

At the command line type (assuming main disk is C: and cd drive is D:)


Reboot the computer.

I can't think of any more pokemon jokes to finish this post on. sorry.

[Edit: wait thought of one... how do you make a pikablu?
Make pikachu hold its breath! /apologies]
Wow, monkey, your some kind of weezard!
My dad tried the first suggestion (the tcpip one) and no luck with that. We ran a couple of virus checkers yesterday, and they didnt come up with anything, so no help there =P
Its getting late now, so my dad's going to try the other things whenever he can (probs weekend)
But cheers for all the suggestions, and hopefully i'll be back screaming into your ear in no time XD
Oh, and i'm loving the pokemon jokes. I can tell your searching the internetz for them. Here's a creepy one so you dont sleep tonight:

Why did the pokemon trainer hide under your bed?
So he could pikachu in the night!
cool, well good luck with it... if you're still having problems reseting the XP winsock might fix it:

open a command prompt, click Start and then click Run. Copy and paste (or type) the following command in the Open box and then press ENTER:

At the command prompt, copy and paste (or type) the following command and then press ENTER:

netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt

Reboot and try again smile.gif



On a pokemon theme
if its any help i have a ASUS internal wirless card which i no longer used. Used that with my PC before i got cabled to my router
QUOTE(MonkeyFiend @ Apr 29 2009, 10:12 PM) *
open a command prompt, click Start and then click Run. Copy and paste (or type) the following command in the Open box and then press ENTER:

lol wtf is that shit

nice pikabum
Question: The comp i'm on now is technically not mine, but if I installed steam + L4D on it, could I use my account and play on here? Assuming of course it can support the graphics/other techno babble.
yeh, steam will ask you to login, so just log in... youll have to reinstall the games to the machine tho, but you shouldnt have any issues
Yeah thats what I did when I went to rob's before he bought the game, just logged onto my steam and downloadedn it.
yes smile.gif
Sweet, i'll do that now XD

Edit: OMG I HATE COMPUTERS. Ok - I went onto the steam website, clicked the download button. it asked me to save a file (steaminstal.msi) I saved it on to my desktop. After opening it via this shortcut, it told be 'another version of thsi product is already installed' and that it cant install but if i delete the existing version, I will be able to install. I did a quick search of my compuet from an already installed steam, and found nothing but the .msi files. Sooooo i went to add/remove programs, and found Steam™. I clicked remove... buuuuuuut it says the feature i am trying to remove is on a CD-ROM that is not avalable. But i used no CD at any point =P
Then, I tried to install L4D straight from the CD, but after the screen loads (with 'install' 'tech. support' and 'exit') and I click install... nothing happens!! It makes a noise (like the cd drive opening and closing) but nothing else...

Why do the gaming gods hate me sooo!
# Navigate to your Steam installation directory (by default, C:\Program Files\Steam or C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam)

* If you wish to keep your saved games and downloaded multiplayer content for a future installation of Steam, move your \steamapps\ folder to your desktop

# Delete the contents of the Steam installation directory
# Go to Start, select Run, and enter regedit
# In the left-hand column of your registry editor, navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Valve\
# Right-click on the Steam subdirectory and select Delete
# In the left-hand column of your registry editor, navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Valve\Steam
# Right-click on the Steam subdirectory and select Delete

That should get rid of steam... you should then be able to run the new installer smile.gif
I have neither Steam nor Valve in program files =(
Edit: Just searched this comp for Valve as well, and nothing useful came up
well that might be a good thing - if the files have been removed (probably by someone deleting the directories) but the registry keys are left behind (to cause trouble)
Ok, just got rid of those steam files. I'll try again now...
*sigh* Same message! I rechecked those HKEY places again, and the Valve folders are definitly gone. I've got no idea why it thinks steam is installed....
Hi, I tried "expand D:\I386\TCPIP.SY_ C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\TCPIP.SYS" but it didn't help.
I then tried "netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt" and rebooted.
Sadly, "ipconfig /all" still returns "An internal error occurred. The request is not supported.... Unable to query host name".

I appreciate your help here.
Sorry for the double post, my dad appently needs me around to tell him not to double click.... =D
lol, not having much luck are you? tongue.gif

1. Sometimes the network stack can get cocked up by overenthusiastic av/firewalls (zone alarm and norton especially)

from the Start Menu select run, type 'regedit' and click OK
open the following folders, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, then SYSTEM, CurrentControlSet, Services, then Dhcp.
open the key DependOnService

Can you tell me what dependencies e.g. tcpip, afc, netbt etc., are there?

2. click start > run > 'services.msc' Look for remote procedure call service, check if this is started/enabled. If not start & enable it and reboot.
2.a also check the DHCP service is started/enabled.

3. go to start > run > cmd, then cd c:\windows\system32 and try running ipconfig from here, same result? (if not then there's an environment variable issue, although this is unlikely)

4. in the c:\windows\system32\drivers\tcpip.sys file - if you properties on it, can you tell me the filesize and build date of this file? Some spyware can replace this file and run a process to stop you restoring a correct version.

5. Although the in ip reset failed, can try it against the winsock itself: start > run > 'netsh winsock reset catalog' (without the '), reboot and try again.

6. A very obvious one that I always forget about.. do you have a system restore point? to restore the system back to a time when things were working?

7. This can also be caused by the wrong drivers installed on the network card or wireless adapter - worth checking this right drivers are there


Heyas monkster, my dad is asking 'how to do a system restore'. Ty smile.gif
click start > all programs > accessories > system tools > system restore

The rest is self explanatory - with any luck you might have a recent restore point (it's worth a try)

It may muck up software (if the software was installed after the restore points was made) but won't affect music/video/documents etc.,
1. The dependancies: tcpip, afc, netbt
doing the rest now!
Sadly clicking Next to restore to an earlier point does n'out...

EDIT: 2. click start > run > 'services.msc' Look for remote procedure call service, check if this is started/enabled. If not start & enable it and reboot.
2.a also check the DHCP service is started/enabled.

DHCP Client was stopped, but you can't start it - it says ' Could not start the SHCP Client Service. Error 1069 - The dependancy service or group failed to start.'
Also, the DNS Service gave the same error as the DHCP message.

3. Yep, same result.

4. 351KB, and the build data is: version 5.1.2600.3394

EDIT 2: Internet explorer says 'Windows has detected a problem with the WINSOCK provider catalog on this computer.' Following the instructions didn't help. WINSOCK status - IRDA protocol is not found in WINSOCK catalog.

Aaaaaaaalso: 'A connectivity problem exists with an installed LSP'
good old system restore - rarely much use.

At least we're getting some idea of what's gone wrong now.

The DHCP service has to run.. and yours failed to start due to a dependent service failing, so we need to find what the dependent service is (from the 1. part of my previous post)

I'd guess that an LSP (layered service provider) has been removed from the system but is still being called by the dhcp service which fails as a result. The LSP itself may be legitimate (norton, aviva, zone alarm) or it may be part of virus/spyware etc.,

You can download lspfix (google it) or download from the handy mirror smile.gif

If you run that tool, it will tell you what LSP's you have hooked into your system (don't remove any yet!) - can you post back with what you have?

as said previosuly i have a wireless card going free
QUOTE(Lawpf2001 @ May 4 2009, 10:22 PM) *
as said previosuly i have a wireless card going free

If it's an LSP problem then it's software realted. Reinstalling the operating system would def fix it, but that's a royal pain in the arse. If they bought/acquired another network card you'd still get the same problem smile.gif
Heyas, sorry about the lack of replies, my dad's been busy with work stuff, but hopefully he cna have another look tomorrow =P

*sigh* I think i'm becoming depressed over this whole matter!
make a post on this site and see if you get anything back. Theyve always helped when ive had a problem
Hi Monkey, I can't download ispfix on the affected PC as it won't connect to the internet - the original problem! I'll try downloading it here and putting it on a USB stick...
Hi Monkey, the USB stick worked.
Ispfix says:
Winsock2 Repair Utility. No problems found.
The following are listed:

deep intake of breath

ok, the only 3rd party lsp I see relates to shitty adobe products (the bonjour service). If you go into start>run>regedit and navigate to:

HKey_Local Machine\System\Current Control Set\services\TCPIP and double click on dependonservice, is there anything listed other than "IPSec"? - if there is any other items listed can you delete them (so the depend on service only shows IPSec) and then restart and try again.
are you sure u have all the updates? sometimes i cannot connect if i don't install an update. and sometimes i cannot connect because of an update, in which case i have to do a system restore to before the update. tongue.gif
Hey monkey, sorry for the late reply

In 'depend on service', nothing else is listed.
kk, am 90% sure something is up with the winsock...

1 * Click Start, Run and type DEVMGMT.MSC
* In the View menu, click Show hidden devices
* Double-click Non-Plug and Play drivers section
* Double-click the entry AFD, and click the Driver tab
* Set the Startup type to System. (if it's not already)
* Start the service. post the error message if any.
* Similarly start the two other drivers namely:

* TCP/IP Protocol Driver
* NetBios over Tcpip

* Close Device Manager and restart Windows.

2. Can you also just double check these files are in the C:\windows\system32\drivers folder?

and if that fails, things get more complicated...

Step #1
Full uninstall of TCP/IP.
These steps are copied from

11. Locate the Nettcpip.inf file in %winroot%\inf, and then open the file in Notepad.
12. Locate the [TCPIP.PrimaryInstall] section.
13. Edit the Characteristics = 0xa0 entry and replace 0xa0 with 0x80.
14. Save the file, and then exit Notepad.
15. In Control Panel, double-click Network Connections, right-click Local Area Connection, and then select Properties.
16. On the General tab, click Install, select Protocol, and then click Add.
17. In the Select Network Protocols window, click Have Disk.
18. In the Copy manufacturer's files from: text box, type c:\windows\inf, and then click OK.
19. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), and then click OK.
Note This step will return you to the Local Area Connection Properties screen, but now the Uninstall button is available.
20. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), click Uninstall, and then click Yes.

For good measure you should delete the following keys before reinstalling TCP/IP in step #2 (go into regedit from start > run to do this)

Step #2
Reinstall of TCP/IP
Following the above steps from 11-13, replace the 0x80 back to 0xa0, this will eliminate the related "unsigned driver" error that was encountered during the uninstallation phase.

Return to "local area connection"> properties > general tab > install > Protocol > TCP/IP

You may receive an "Extended Error" failure upon trying to reinstall the TCP/IP, this is related to the installer sub-system conflicting with the security database status.

to check the integrity of the security database
esentutl /g c:\windows\security\Database\secedit.sdb

There may be a message saying database is out of date
first try the recovery option (in a command prompt window)
esentutl /r c:\windows\security\Database\secedit.sdb

if there are any problems, use the repair option (in a command prompt window)
esentutl /p c:\windows\security\Database\secedit.sdb

rerun "esentutl /g c:\windows\security\Database\secedit.sdb" to ensure that integrity is good and database is up to date.

Now return to the "local area network setup"
choose install > protocol > tcp/ip and try again


oh and something I forgot to mention... I assume you wanted to fix the PC rather than the embuggerence of a full reinstall (which would fix it) - there's an in-between option called SFC. Essentially it copies over all windows related files with clean ones from your windows CD without touching your other stuff.

The upside is that it will fix any network stack/winsock problems however the downside is the registry will be restored so you will probably need to reinstall most software such as ms-office/steam/drivers etc., again.

However since it wouldn't be a fresh insatll your drivers ad file should still be on the computer. Having said that it's still quite a drastic measure - but suspect there might be a balance against getting the computer fixed quickly..

Make sure you've backed up anything important and that you have a windows CD to hand before running this

A sneaky get around is to open regedit and save your registry to a file. Run the sfc command (below) which will clear most of your registry.

Then if things are working after that, you could try and import the registry file that you saved ealier - if the problem you were having was caused by something in the registry it will break it again. (in which case repeat the sfc command)

If it was something not related to the registry then restoring the saved registry file should make most of the software work again.

From Start > run > cmd

sfc /scannow
Hehe, you have just fully impressed my dad XD He expresses his thanks and will have a go a bit later =D
*cheers* Yay for Monkey! *cheers*
Ok, we've done the first two steps:
1. Devise manager/AFD properties/driver startup is already set to system, and status is already started.
TCP/IP has a warning message: this device is not present, is not working properly or does not have its driver installed
Netbios: IP Network address translator has a yellow exclamation mark next to it.

2. afd.sys and netbt.sys are there

My dad uninstalled the TCP/IP, and now can’t reinstall it =P He'll try using your steps tomorrow =)
just re-install windows
Yo! Reporting from my computer now =)
The internet came back after reinstalling/rebooting Windows, but, alas, 2 problems arose
1. No sound - no idea why, my dad doesnt know what my sound card is, and so can't re-install drivers, and he doesn't know how to find out. Sucks for l4d =P
2. Can't activate Windows - he's tried, but no success.

But oh well, at least I can play with you guys, even if I can't hear your sweet voices.
working out waht your sound card is - what make is your computer, was it built by your dad with seperate parts or is it a prebuilt one by like dell or hp? if so, does it have a model number, like dell xps 700 or whatnot? should say on a sticker on the case someplace

if not, check the make of your mobo by taking of the side panel and see what company logos are there....

as for activating windows, there are ways, but you should have 30days ish so ill let monkey sort you out on that one
*Squee* Sound is working now!!
Only need to activate, and then i can actually put my files back on =P
"files" eh
What are you insinuating?
that you cant wait to put back on all the lovely pictures of me you have biggrin.gif

and lets admit, they ARE lovely.
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