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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Hey Monkeys,

My name is Gabriel and im hoping to join the clan.
Im Fox's brother, Im 14
i know im a bit young, but hope youll make an exception.
just got the (legitimate) copy of L4D and should be playing by tonight.

My steam ID is sly_rabbit
so all add me if you want.
lemme know smile.gif
oooh i dunno if ill give him my vote....
obviously I have no problems - the more people picking on tess in game the better

As for left 4 dead being an 18, I blame whichever irresponsible adult bought you a copy... oh bugger tongue.gif


edit: hope you dont mind being called GAYbe, because unfortunately, it is inevitable.
i say yay. had good round last night. and yes GAYbe will be probs used too many times smile.gif

So, would that be said like 'Gay bee' or just 'GAY-be'? Either way, I reckon we should let him in, we could use a new hunter-magnet...
yeh, we where getting tired of pwning u over and over ;p
well if no ones got any problems ill let him in then.
Welcome Gabe smile.gif
hmmmm. related to fox? sounds like trouble. don't we have to put up with enough already??? biggrin.gif and just wait till gunners11 hears about this!!!
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