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The new portal to control our servers is online.

You can access it by visiting

You can also access it by clicking the "Server Admin" link on the main page

If you want access send me a message.. YOU MUST INCLUDE YOUR STEAM ID* (for ingame admin functions) and I'll set up and account and go through the basics if needed.
(in future I'll not be kicking players to make room etc., since you should all be able to do this yourselves tongue.gif )

*steam id required for ingame admin to work. For security I can't setup a web admin, without a valid steamID. You can find you ID by reading this post:

Once logged in:

This system enforces bans made on one server across all servers
it will allow you to quickly kick or ban players
it will allow you send private messages to players
it displays current map, score, ping info
it allows execution of rcon commands
it allows change of maps
it allows enabling/disabling of the custom anti-cheat modules
it will allow a admin spectate laser system to see where players are aiming



** things to do **

I haven't uploaded map images yet
custom anti-cheat control is locked to my user while I'm still testing it
You may notice 2 servers are Wintel and 1 is Linux, I'll be planning on running all the servers under linux shortly
"it will allow a admin spectate laser system to see where players are aiming"

nice feature this, help to catch the aimbots (fido thats you tongue.gif )
tongue.gif i need a floating cheat so i don't fall off the cliffs tongue.gif
This also includes "in-game admin" functions now
This is based on your SteamID (think bf GUID for the old BF2 crew)

This is to stop someone spoofing you and gaining admin on the server.

I do however need your steamID to set up an account on the admin portal (for me to find it for every member would take a lot of time, so it's your responsibility to provide this tongue.gif)

And to find your ID, read this post:


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