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Full Version: L4D Anti-cheat pack
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > General > Public Discussion
This is now uploaded to all servers in beta form. It works alongside VAC and add some additional anti-cheat detection and anti-wallhack stuff.

There is no warning, if the system detects something dodgy, it's an instant ban (bans on the server in questions, does'nt enforce bans across servers)

The bans will be administered through a web-frontend at some point, but this isn't functional at the moment... so if there any odd bans please let me know here.

As it stands this particular build will not be released to the public, but hopefully will ensure our own servers are more secure smile.gif


BAN 6!
I've got more important things to do such as my "Raile always plays as Zoey" script biggrin.gif
how about everyone plays as zoey ;p
lol that would be awesome, seeing as you can cross over maps from HL2 do you think you could get people to play as those weird aliens who are helping the freeeeeeeeman

would need the models/textures locally
The HL2 stuff weighs in at about a 1gb of textures/models/maps - it was on about 1.5gb but have cut it down... still a long way to go, but got side-tracked by the anti-cheat stuff, which i figured is more important anyway tongue.gif
=R6= Raile
you don't need a script.. i pick zoey myself! tongue.gif
i think instead of kicking the cheaters from the server, it should just have big words in their face the whole time they play that say "ahh come on\n""don't be cheatin" where the words cover up their view.

haxxorz dont usually need to see there screen for ther aimbot to lock on ;p

apropriate use of a line break as well tongue.gif
It did cross my mind to paste a message across their screens about cheating coupled with a nice image, but figured a ban would be more sensible tongue.gif
if you make it flash really bright and make an annoying sound, then they will be so annoyed by it they'll be like man i gotta turn these dam hax off!!!
omg im so glad i didnt google IMAGE

well technically that old bastion of the internet is no longer there, although am fairly sure the image on its main pages can be found all over the place.

I suppose in many ways it was an early verion of rickrolling people - sending them to the link of (.cx being the easter island domain) - people didn't realise it was intended to read 'goatsex' (although I suppose thankfully the old site, while being gross, had nothing to do with goatsex tongue.gif)

I'd still not recommend googling it
you appear to know a lot about it.

you founded didnt you ;p

from what ive read in the description of the image on wikipedia (and the rather funny pic to accompany it) it fits your profile quite nicely.
ahh if only I could stake such a claim on that internet meme.

Back on-topic briefly.. the webhosts have allowed access to group server #2 to the banning/anti-cheat/admin script. They then got confused when testing and tried to connect through steam to the server (which they didn't have) so decided to send me a mail about this so-called 'steam' application that they don't run on their webservers tongue.gif

Getting there slowly but surely smile.gif
after looking at that wiki article, I stand corrected .cx is christmas island not easter island
lol, nice to see progress anyway tongue.gif
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