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Full Version: Left 4 Ravenholm
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Support > Maps & Coding
Prior to the official SDK coming out am not going to start building maps, it does however make sense to take pre-built maps for other games e.g. team fortress, css and port them into L4D

Now one of the finest games of all-time has some levels that would seem pretty perfect for L4D...

Half Life 2; Ravenholm areas

I've managed to coax this into working but is still very much messy and requires a hell of a lot of texture/model conversion

Pros: prebuilt and wellmade maps
Cons: requires approx 1.35gb of files, some events don't work, zombies don't spawn properly, would breach copyright and server contracts to use

When built, I suspect using this on our servers won't attract too much attention.

I need to get some time (possibly this weekend) when Tess isn't about to put some proper time into it

Will try and post some screenshots this weekend smile.gif
sweet, if u need a hand... ill try and help....

as for ravenholm, i SHIT myself everytime i go there.

can you get the hl2 zombies in l4d?

and more importantly, if so, can you give the hl2 zombies the same power as say a hunter or a smoker...
not without some serious mucking around, it would be the L4D horde HL2 map

When importing HL2 models I found it makes everything run very slowly, I assume the L4D is lower polycounts etc., to allow for more of them on the screen

Anything requiring physics manipulation has also been a nono so far, I've had to remove phyics tiggered door and place a couple of items in places where you'd normally move boxes to jump on.

Still requires a lot of work before it's useable though
=R6= Raile
what's up with the copyright issues? converting Valve's HL2 maps into Valve's L4D game is a copyright problem?
Because while you may own L4D, but this doesn't mean you own Half Life 2.

Such a mod would, in essence, allow HL2 content (although heavily butchered) for free

There also inumerable clauses about modifying such levels and interfereing with game code. Shoe-horning this into working on L4D also requires hex editing, res-hacking, decompiling and generally monkeying around with there precious code

no company likes you doing this to any of their games, so they write clauses into server provision contracts etc.,
=R6= Raile
yep and i forgot that owning l4d doesn't mean owning hl2, just because I do biggrin.gif
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