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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > General > Public Discussion
Some of the recent videos about getting portal gun in HL2 is actually the portal engine using the HL2 maps (requires Portal & HL2). Below is how to do it:

* First off, backup up your entire Portal directory in a safe place.

>> It’s the folder marked “portal” in ..\Steam\steamapps\(your_steam_id)\

* Next, download and install GCFScape. This will allow you to access the cached game files for any Source-powered game, in addition to several other Steam games you may have downloaded.

* Once that’s done, browse to the directory ..\Steam\steamapps\. There, you’ll see all the available GCF archives. We’ll start with Half-Life 2.

* Open the GCF marked “half-life 2 content.gcf” You’ll see a directory tree in the left pane. Click the box to the left of the folder marked “hl2″ to see the directory listing contained within it. Then, right-click “maps,” select ‘Extract’ and extract the entire folder into the directory \Steam\steamapps\(your_steam_id)\portal\portal. This will merge it with the existing Portal map folder.

* Do the same with the ’scenes’ folder

* Fire up Steam and run Portal. When it’s done, open up the developer console with ‘~’ (you may need to enable it under your keyboard options).

* At the console, type “maps” to list all the available maps. Now that you’ve imported the Half-Life 2 maps, this will be a fairly lengthy list and some of the names, like citadel and canals, should seem familiar.

* Type “map” and then the map name to open that map. For instance, map d1_canals_01

* When the map has loaded, open the console again and enable cheats by entering “sv_cheats 1

* To give yourself all weapons, including the portal gun, enter impulse 101

* Depending on how far you got in Portal, you may need to upgrade the portal gun to fire both portals. Enter “upgrade_portalgun” to do so

Technically similar setups should work for teamfortress, css and more importantly... Left 4 Dead

[EDIT: Note; This definitely works for Half life2, I've not tested it on L4D, will maybe do this tonight]

thanks dude, i absolutely love the portal gun
yeah portal is one awesome game
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