Jan 25 2009, 11:03 PM
Hey all. I was playing L4D earlier today, and ended up in a Vs game with 3 SM people. They were all really good, and so I checked out the website, and I'd like to join!
Name: Nikki (aka, Cobolt)
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Homeplace: England
I got L4D at Christmas, so i've been played for about a month. Im (obviously) not brilliant, but I love the game! I'm not normally a massive fan of playing games (I prefer watching) but I play Unreal Tournament 2003 (UT3 didn't work when I tried to install it) and Portal. I dont have a headset, and I know nowt about computers

. Anyway, if I could join and enjoy some more games with the brill players on here, then it'd be brilliant!
Jan 25 2009, 11:51 PM
hey =] played with you earlier, you werent that bad

ugh its late. fo monkey u gay
Jan 25 2009, 11:53 PM
Hey, Nice to see another Lady that plays games!
Add me to your friends on steam and ill give the the run-down of the clan, and you can join up and see what you think, after a week if its what you were looking for then its all gravy.
Jan 25 2009, 11:58 PM
Hey! and welcome to the site

Think I saw you online earlier on. Ignore magik5's post about whether you have a headset, since you said you don't have a headset. One of these days someone will have to teach him how to read

Although you joinining would mean that foxx would have to change her steam profile that proclaims her to be the only girl playing online games in the universe ever. I'm sure someone (oi Fox, this means you!) will be in contact soon. In the meantime am sure we'll see you in game soon.

P.S. beware of Ooiz/Gunners!
[Edit: interesting avatar... might want to turn your music down a bit

Jan 26 2009, 05:37 PM
Thanks for all the welcomes XD
Foxx, i've added you, so eagerly await my first game with you guys

[To monkey: Your avatar is just as strange!

It's nice to see some of my favourite disney films scarred forever! XD]
Jan 26 2009, 05:42 PM
i just saw this.
Jan 26 2009, 06:00 PM
Hey Co, nice to see all the SM guys didn't scare you off with a round last night.
Hope to see you around on the server soon!
QUOTE(MonkeyFiend @ Jan 25 2009, 10:58 PM)

P.S. beware of Ooiz/Gunners!
Jan 26 2009, 06:34 PM
*Cough* I
might need the Ooiz/Gunners thing explained to me
Jan 26 2009, 06:45 PM
He asks very inappropriate questions a lot and has some very irrational behaviour patterns, much like 5
Buts it's all very well explaining gunners but it's nothing compared to the real experience
Jan 26 2009, 06:57 PM
well he's our SPECIAL friend who pops on the shoutbox every so often. Basically harrasses women and talks about his 'Girlfriend' who has massive boobs. He's pretty fun to play along with! Anyway wouldnt worry too much.
ps. hi
Jan 26 2009, 07:11 PM
Ahhh I see! XD
Kk, i'll keep an eye out
Jan 26 2009, 07:19 PM
he will too

but don't worry. u can barely understand anything he
Jan 26 2009, 10:03 PM
Ive added you on steam but it says you havent set up your profile so i cant message you.
Jan 29 2009, 10:33 PM
Right, heres the screenshot of what happened in todays game

... any explanations?
Jan 30 2009, 12:59 AM
Jan 30 2009, 01:04 AM

Thats really strange, did it change back itself or did you have to resart the game?
Jan 30 2009, 05:30 AM
lol. monkey has ghost following him.
Jan 30 2009, 09:50 AM
wooo 3x the firepower for me

However:'s a documented bug with no known cause (yet) - the other players are still there it's just you can only see their guns/ammo/pills. The infected team can still see them as usual
I hear rumours on the interweb it happens on some systems if you minimise the game to do something like MSN and then go back in.
[Edit: After a little poking around a fix for this is to open the console and type: "record fix" ,press enter, wait a couple of seconds then in the console type: "stop" (This starts/stops recoding a demo, which for some reason fixes the players models :S)]
=R6= Raile
Jan 30 2009, 12:07 PM
but.. but..
where is the screenshot of 6 trying to save you all on the rooftop finale? 0.o
I m n yer back poket
stealin yer gunz
Jan 30 2009, 12:39 PM
wasn't it cobalt trying to save us last night?
Besides magik6 is more likely to be stealing our wallets or fondling our corpses than saving anyone

Since I'm staying in tonight, I've got a bottle of chateau leoville and a bunch of red bull (obviously not to be mixed together) and am up for a late night gaming session

Speaking of which, how many of the =R6= rabble will be on tonight? a match perchance?
=R6= Raile
Jan 30 2009, 12:49 PM
erm, I thought it was 6 on the rooftop that couldn't get anyone up?
course he gets me up quite easily, but I wasn't on his team so that's no help
I was making fun of him a lot saying two days in a row he fucks up on that rooftop (lol)
I think everyone except myself has quit l4d
they require new content
i'm ok with it tho i really couldn't stand the bitching anymore...
Jan 30 2009, 01:34 PM
i'll be on tonight(hopefully)
Jan 30 2009, 01:34 PM
I'll be on tonight to fail as often as possible
Jan 30 2009, 01:38 PM
i bet i can fail more than u!!
Jan 30 2009, 01:47 PM
QUOTE(=R6= Raile @ Jan 30 2009, 11:49 AM)

I think everyone except myself has quit l4d
they require new content
i'm ok with it tho i really couldn't stand the bitching anymore...
seriously... thats lame.
=R6= Raile
Jan 30 2009, 02:05 PM
well i dunno.
i'm pretty bored of it myself
you may or may not have noticed i prob only play once an evening this past week..
Jan 30 2009, 02:16 PM
i can sympathise with them to a degree.
but to quit all together is a little extreme.
i hate the fact that versus is restricted to 2 maps. if we did an sm vs r6 on say death toll with monkeys mod... would they be interested. would you for that matter?
=R6= Raile
Jan 30 2009, 02:37 PM
sure i'm interested..
but you have to look at it from their perspective..
Sam and Twon are playing PR as it just released a new patch that has MAJOR changes
Harkin is playing company of heroes cuz for some reason he didn't get into it when it came out like 2 years ago..
I'll be playing PR too, eventually when I download it. (maybe next week)
its kinda like, you play l4d regardless of lack of content, if you have nothing better to play.. but they have other stuff..
I'm getting bored of l4d tbh, and can't see myself playing it much longer without more content. they've fucked the game IMO with the tank/witch thing, combine that with lack of content and I just don't have as much fun playing it anymore.
Jan 30 2009, 02:54 PM
To be honest, the maps thing doesn't bother me. People always going on aabout 2 maps, its actually 2 campaigns, so in reality it's 10 maps. It's still not great but compare that to 24/7 strike ar karkand for 2 years

That and it requires a lot more sneakyness and teamwork, which even knowing the maps well still needs a lot more work.. on top of that I don't know the maps that well - am stiill finding the odd room here and there I didn't know existed

CoH will get very old very quickly. PR I can't say much about since I didn't play too much of it. Agree that the changes to the tank aren't good, but still haven't found them game ruining. I just hope they get the official SDK out with the new maps soon.
If you want to get instant maps the easiest thing to do is import all the maps from CSS and TF2 and use them in left 4 dead - since it's the same engine
Jan 30 2009, 03:02 PM
i agree with monkey here tbh...
have to say though, i like l4d because it FORCES team play. thats the major downfall with bf2, u can go lone shark where/when ever you want, and not have any social interaction with the whole 15-30 other players on ur team.
i guess pr is great for that too... but the gameplay/overall feel of it IMO gets overshadowed by L4Ds.
as for other online games... i only got into online gaming with bf2, and bf2/pr/l4d are the only games ive played online, and out of all of them, i prefer l4d, so ill be sticking with it for a huile.
=R6= Raile
Jan 30 2009, 03:20 PM
i find l4d relies a lot more on the maps to keep the game interesting. while i enjoy the gameplay, it is quite arcadey.. very limited amount of stuff to do. very little tactics. its quite straight forward. games like CSS and BF2, you could play for years on the same maps, because I think its the other players and the interaction with them that make the gameplay.. with l4d its more the maps, and therefore it needs more content. atleast my opinion anyways.
=R6= Raile
Jan 30 2009, 03:21 PM
the randomness of the maps is one of the major selling points for me on the game..
which is partially why i am so pissed about the tank change. it has ruined that..
Jan 30 2009, 03:31 PM
like monkey says, i dont think its a game ruining issue, i mean fair enough if it means that much to you, but it kinda seems its just an excuse for something bigger. /no offense intended....
=R6= Raile
Jan 30 2009, 03:48 PM
well as you can see i'm still playing the game
but to be honest with you, the game, before the patch, was not nearly as random as the hype had been talking about for the past 2 years before it's release. not to mention how linear the levels are. i had been keeping up with pretty much everything that came out of the press about this game.. as i was really excited for it. the whole bit of it being random was really pressed as if each time you played would never be the same as the last. sure i guess technically that's true, but it really comes down to the players.. I mean, if you play campaign mode, each level is pretty much the same play through each time. I was actually qutie disappointed with this when the game came out.
the game is still heavily scripted and very linear.. the SDK needs to get properly released really soon.
Jan 30 2009, 03:54 PM
well i guess im looking at it at a compleltly different perspective to you, its probably because i only heard of the game about a month b4 xmas when you told me about it.... i never got to the see the hype.
but i also agree, full on sdk soon will hopefully change the way you feel
=R6= Raile
Jan 30 2009, 04:25 PM
well that's the positive. as i've always said i'm quite excited to see what the community does with this game..
Feb 19 2009, 06:09 PM
I'd say welcome, but I think you've been here long enough now that we've probably already said that. Or something. Anyway, good playing with you, and here's to more games in the future!
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