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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
L4D name : Crap'Z
From : France
skill : Avanced-Expert, good teamplay.
Ex-Clans : MP(Mindless Phragging), ev(Elemental violence)
Experiance : since the demo.
Age : 21
TS : Yes
Msn :
Steam_ID : tonyvedrenne

Hello, i seach a good clan to play leagues and a lot of matchs.
I think this clan is a good one, so i want to try 2 weeks trial.
If you are interesting, contact me.

Great Crap'Z
what did u play before l4d?
Using my crystal ball: Soldier of Fortune

Anyhoo - I was working all yesterday until late and haven't played L4D much, but am sure I will over the next few days (am off Thursday-Sunday) so catch you in game soon biggrin.gif

I believe Fox has also mailed you smile.gif
I played SOF2, CSS, TF2, SOF3.
I play SOF1 (MP Leader since 2001, and now L4D
Member number 4,047 ohmy.gif Woooooo! We rock! Welcome Crap'Z
Craps is on trial to see if the clan is everything he needs it to be, all be nice smile.gif
Welcome on board biggrin.gif
welcome on board the jolly roger
only we're not jolly tongue.gif
and i don't think we have anyone named roger tongue.gif
No, sadly we dont anymore. Since 6 rogered Roger, he hasnt been so jolly anymore. Ahh well. Still, welcome onboard Dr Pahilboats Boat of Phail!
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