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Full Version: The 'Twitch is in Town
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
S'up? Been playing on L4D with Monkey and the gang, and was talking to Fox about the possibility of becomming another target for your lot. I'm good at drawng fire, distracting the enemy, and generally acting as the meatsheild whenever required. Oh, and I suck at boomers. Aside from that, 27-ish (28 soon, yay), bloke, traindrivery and mad.

Lemme go over the stuff its asking me in the sticky, shall I?

1. Mature - Hmm, debatable. I'm not quite sure I'd describe myself as adult, but I can describe adult stuff, does that count?
2. Headset/Teamspeak - Yes, as anyone who has been forced to endure my dribblings on L4D will attest. Teamschpeak is affirmative. More demented dribblings to come.
3. Cheaters/glitchers/statpadders - Good god no. I'm not THAT bad a player. Yet.
4. Make a post asking to join - Yup.
5. Teamschpeak - Will try and join at some point in one or two timelines, yes.
6. Play on our server - Yes, you can normally find me threatening to disembowel Monkey on the L4D server for putting shit music on at startup tongue.gif

"If you've played on the server etc., and aren't a dick then that shouldn't be a problem." - Well, one out of two aint bad, I'll work on the other sometime, when I get bored of calling 5 names, laughing at Harkin, and swearing at Monkey.

"we won't bite (well, except maybe foxx_in_socks)" - Is this a promise? wink.gif

Well, any other info, just ask me. If I forget to look at the forums, scream at me on Steam. If I forget to use teamspeak, scream at me on Steam. For all other information, scream at me on Steam. Alrighty?

Adios for now,
Cabletwitch (Mike)
lol... someone who actually read the recruitment sticky (which was written with bf2 in mind tongue.gif)

As for the music on the start of the server... you suggested shite like the monster mash!

Well, I've no problems provding you can keep up a consistent level of abuse to the magiks .. either will do biggrin.gif
loverly post there, most of those rules etc were aimed at Bf2, havent really changed it for L4D
all sounds good(ish) tongue.gif
may I also be the first to call you "cablet witch" biggrin.gif
you sound like a gay. GTFO
HA HA HA, this guy clearly loves being penetrated by the cock, I don't think we should let him join!
I see the Magiks are running scared as usual, like the big bunch of wet ladies pants that they both are. Clearly they're worried that I'm going to pwn them so hard they'll just collapse under the weight of all the sheer awesome I give off and all. And, just like usual, they'll resort to insults and putdowns that a 5 year-old would be ashamed of.

They'll learn... eventually. wink.gif
how many 5 year olds do you know that say "penetrated by the cock" ohmy.gif

what do you get upto
Heya cable biggrin.gif
QUOTE(Magik6 @ Jan 16 2009, 06:22 PM) *
HA HA HA, me and 5 clearly love being penetrated by the cock, I don't think we should let him join if he don't let us penetrate him too!

magik6 and 5 penetrate each other mellow.gif not sure if you should join them or not unsure.gif
heyo. Although you wont see me frequenting the the L4D sever (dotn have the game). Im always around on here,. so a big hello from me. oh where you from?? and is your Steam Cabletwitch?
QUOTE(Cabletwitch @ Jan 17 2009, 01:11 AM) *
I see the Magiks are running scared as usual, like the big bunch of wet ladies pants that they both are. Clearly they're worried that I'm going to pwn them so hard they'll just collapse under the weight of all the sheer awesome I give off and all.

Hey now, I'm not running away from anything biatch, just bring the shizzle all over the fizzle and I'll drizzle down your nizzle (if you know what I mean wink.gif)

QUOTE(Cabletwitch @ Jan 17 2009, 01:11 AM) *
they'll resort to insults and putdowns that a 5 year-old would be ashamed of.

I'm not 5...................i'm 6 tongue.gif
=R6= Raile
hello cable
in my experiences you are really good at following the sounds of stuff moving behind you
and leaving your group to investigate
glad to have you on the other team! wink.gif
You mean I'm good at hearing things moving in behind me that everyone else fails to notice, then when I bravely go back to neutralise the threat (and end up getting my face torn off in the process) people fail to come to my aid because they've all buggered off in the other direction sharpish?

Yeah, I'm good at heroics. At least thats how I look at it. Other people tend to describe it as 'Wandering off and getting the shit kicked out of you'. I might learn from it eventually, but I doubt it.
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