Lemme go over the stuff its asking me in the sticky, shall I?
1. Mature - Hmm, debatable. I'm not quite sure I'd describe myself as adult, but I can describe adult stuff, does that count?
2. Headset/Teamspeak - Yes, as anyone who has been forced to endure my dribblings on L4D will attest. Teamschpeak is affirmative. More demented dribblings to come.
3. Cheaters/glitchers/statpadders - Good god no. I'm not THAT bad a player. Yet.
4. Make a post asking to join - Yup.
5. Teamschpeak - Will try and join at some point in one or two timelines, yes.
6. Play on our server - Yes, you can normally find me threatening to disembowel Monkey on the L4D server for putting shit music on at startup

"If you've played on the server etc., and aren't a dick then that shouldn't be a problem." - Well, one out of two aint bad, I'll work on the other sometime, when I get bored of calling 5 names, laughing at Harkin, and swearing at Monkey.
"we won't bite (well, except maybe foxx_in_socks)" - Is this a promise?

Well, any other info, just ask me. If I forget to look at the forums, scream at me on Steam. If I forget to use teamspeak, scream at me on Steam. For all other information, scream at me on Steam. Alrighty?
Adios for now,
Cabletwitch (Mike)