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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Zol Grimm
Hi everyone!

I've been playing L4D for a bit now and i'm pretty sure some of ya know me already, Fox said you were recruiting so i was wondering if i can join up?
For those that haven't met me i'm not an asshole, promise! :X and i'm an O.K. player who meshes well with others. I have been looking for active peeps to join up with and you guys seem to be just that as well as a very friendly and fun group and i look forward to meeting the others i haven't met if you decide to let me join up.
I'm currently in university and enjoying every moment of it.

I've played a fair number of online games most recent being L4D and i must say its a ton of fun. The only way i could enjoy it more is with a group of friendly clanmates. biggrin.gif
Ace, as long as you dont mind mental people you should fit in a treat!
hi and welcome,

theres a lot of talk about assholes lately, i blame monkey/fido as theyre the clan gays =]

oh and which uni are you at?
Hello biggrin.gif
Look forward to playing with you online
QUOTE(Magik5 @ Jan 16 2009, 02:17 AM) *
oh and which uni are you at?

prob not the guys only gay uni that u attend tongue.gif
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