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how can i make my processor speed faster?

Processor Speed is 1496.5, but for bf2 it says you need 1700 Mhz (1.7 GHz)
buy a new one. Or overclock it
what make/model
I overclocked my Intel Core 2 E7200 from 2.53GHZ to 3.2GHZ without changing my heat sync or anything
i don't know what overclocking is!!!!
Overclocking is basically running the CPU at a faster speed than it was intended - this is very much dependant on your motherboard, the CPU and your cooling ability (overclocked CPU's, because they run faster, also run hotter)

Running overlcoked may also shorten the life of a CPU (especially if its not cooled properly)

Realistically overclocking a CPU is like performance tuning a sports car, while it does increase the speed it's still pretty much in the realm of nerds who want to show off, as often the perfoamnce boost is minimal.

Personally if you want a faster CPU, I'd consider buying a new one - the 1.7-2.8ghz CPU type range is pretty cheap, providing your motherboard will take that faster CPU's smile.gif
QUOTE(Magik5 @ Jan 5 2009, 10:41 AM) *

dammit it tried to go to the URL
QUOTE(Lawpf2001 @ Jan 5 2009, 04:59 AM) *
dammit it tried to go to the URL

hahahahaha!!! i'm either gonna build me a desktop or buy a desktop some time at the end of next month. hopefully that will make my bf2 a little better. i think this laptop has just about been used up with bf2 and all the mod building for class. probably won't get l4d till then.
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