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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
heloo, my names Morley and i was wondering if i could join?
im 16 and a very good team player tongue.gif
i have Team Speak Xfire.
The reason im wanting to join is that R6 play a lot of PR now and im not that fussed about it and want to carry on with BF2 smile.gif

hey dude wouldnt mind you joining =]

have to talk to raile first if thats ok... dont want him thinking we are stealing his members... lol
haha yeye, i havnt told them lot yet :B
just tell me when i can add the tag and shit ;P
i'll add you on xfire, you need to get on ts some. see you on the game. tongue.gif
whats your xfire name?
iv just seen you in game, damn i kicked your ass wink.gif ermm i dunt use xfire while in bf2, makes my shitty pc lagg like hell sad.gif
but its shanemorley02
lol, i was typing to lilad and tryin to kill at the same time, but i ain't much better when i'm just playin either. it was fun though.
yeah was fun, for some reason the rounds lasted a hel of a long time? i racked up like 150+ points
is it due to less people on the server?
yes, when the server is full the rounds go by quick but the scores can be lower or higher.
phailes given his permission,

so stick your =SM= tags on whenever =]
woo sweeeet smile.gif
=R6= Warduk
now your not in SM morley im not gna hold back on the spankings im gna give you biggrin.gif GL HF
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