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Full Version: can i join?
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
hi alll at =SM= i have been thinking off join your clan for a while now but sadly unable to pay,

plus i am 15 year old i play rugby and i do a lot of fishing and in spear time play bf2 all the time.

i am good at team work i can be a good medic but i just have problems kill people

so if you can get back asap it would be great

from Apple94 rolleyes.gif
do u have a mic? if you do get on teamspeak.
as a clan we've recently been discussing about non paying members. There have been no major problems anyone has pointed out. So as far as no donations this shouodn't be a problem. However the full details as to what admin rights you have in comparrison compared to full paying members has not been fully discussed.

As for joining are major requirements are that you have access to a mic so you can use teamspeak (this is a must!) Once this is sorted just keep playing on the server and get on TS. After a bit you will go on trial, here you can wear =SM= tags and gain admin rights. At the end of your trial week you will be put to a vote by the existing members as to whether you can join or not.

any questions feel free to put them on here, pm them or through MSN if you wish.

yer i do have a head set but i am unable to go on the team tonight as i am out tonight at my girlfriends

so i will talk to you soon on ts im on it most days rolleyes.gif
where bouts in surrey u from?
you also have to post a pic of your gf!!!!
=R6= Warduk
lol, played fido. playd.
It will just end up being a picture of 5 tongue.gif
i live in warlingham magik
cool, i live in guildford =] well shalford actually but its close enough =]
run man!!! hide, or something!!!!! ohmy.gif
so guys can you put me on the trials?? biggrin.gif
i dont see a problem but its not my decision. so id wait for monkey to let you no all that needs to be known.

you need to get on ts and play with us some. then when monkey puts you on trial it may speed things up a bit. biggrin.gif
because monkeys rarely around anymore and hes not willing to give us more access to be able to stick you on a proper trial, its hard to do so

having said that, im happy to stick you on a weeks trial starting from now, ive seen you on ts a few times and you seem like a nice guy.

ill try and catch up with monkey to sort the official business out (like server admin rights) but for now, feel free to stick your =SM= tags on =]

try to get to know the rest of the clan members via ts, so they can vouch for you as well =]

yup, I haven't been around for a bit. Have sent the joining mail with all the info in it smile.gif
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