=R6= Warduk
Aug 8 2008, 09:09 PM
Right well me and frantic were talking this over with robbie and we were wondering if it were possible to get a team together to play in a bf2 league just for fun and so that we could have a few matches now and again. If im right about this we would only need a team of 5 inf players and maybe 2 subs to have a good team to play competetively.
Im not too sure about what league to join but if we get some intrest then its worth a look.
Aug 8 2008, 09:46 PM
im game as i said but im not good enough so maybe a sub.
=R6= Warduk
Aug 8 2008, 10:56 PM
its not all about winning dood, id preffer someone who is commited to play in the team rather than somone who turns up for half a game even if they are the best player in the land.
Aug 9 2008, 12:47 AM
Count me in then my good man
Aug 9 2008, 02:03 AM
i'm down for whatever guys, as long as theres someone to play with. get tired of playin by myself, and with myself!
Aug 9 2008, 10:52 AM
count me in, sounds like funununun
games will have to be in tevenings though
im guessing no R6 'greed to it then... what bout brad
=R6= Warduk
Aug 9 2008, 11:16 AM
oooh man im tired :S well anyway it seems that this could work so im gna start looking for a league we can join up to.
so far we have:
magik 5
And yes magik the games will be more than likely to be in the evenings
=R6= Warduk
Aug 9 2008, 11:25 AM
http://league.totalgamingnetwork.com/leagu...0Only#dashboard here is a linkie to the site that is hosting the League, i need everyone who is interested to make an account on the site and signup to the team ASAP, once ive made the team that is
. we only have 4 days left till signups are closed so get crackin if you want in!
=R6= Warduk
Aug 9 2008, 11:40 AM
right guys i need you all to sign up to the team which is called 'Sneaky monkeys' and the join password is FRUITCAKE.
http://league.totalgamingnetwork.com/team/Sneaky%20Monkeys please all sign up as soon as possible.
thanks, DuK
=R6= Warduk
Aug 9 2008, 11:50 AM
P.s we only need 5 ppl to have signed up withing 4 days so that i can sign us up for the league before it closes. ayone who signs up after that can still play in the league if im not mistaken. so hurry hurry thers nothing else i can do till you guys sign up
=R6= Warduk
Aug 9 2008, 12:03 PM
just hit a big wall here guys! hold off on the signing up for a min :S
ive just realised that all the other teams in the open league are from the other side of the atlantic
so i guess this league is out of the question, ill keep browsing for one until i can find one
my bad guys.
Aug 9 2008, 12:06 PM
all laugh at the tard
make sure you check the rules as well, non of this bunny 3 times and ur out bs
=R6= Warduk
Aug 9 2008, 12:24 PM
aye will do.
=R6= Warduk
Aug 9 2008, 12:56 PM
right the new league that ive completely checked out is this one:
http://www.definitive-leagues.net/index.phpthe only problem is that ther is a BH rule but tbh its not really going to be a problem as you have to jump 3 times concecutivly without running or anything, so i doubt it will be a deal breaker. aaaaannnyway once youve got signed up to the site on the left side ther is a link that says 'teams' click on that and search for sneaky monkeys or =sm= and the join pass is fruitcake again. same as before you all need to sign up pretty sharpish as the closing date will be any day now.
Aug 9 2008, 01:19 PM
=R6= Warduk
Aug 9 2008, 01:44 PM
yea but that was in the past man!
the rule about bunny hopping is very leeniant (I CANT SPLEL) and the no froghopping rule is a bloody good one! keeps them dirty macro users out of the equation.
Aug 9 2008, 03:05 PM
id av a go 2bh
=R6= Warduk
Aug 9 2008, 03:18 PM
good stuff! well get signed p to that site then and join the grouppe
Aug 9 2008, 10:33 PM
im retarded and cant see how to join the team im signed up jazz_bloke
=R6= Warduk
Aug 9 2008, 10:48 PM
dont worry rob its not needed for you to sign up to the team as i just have to allocate the roster somehow.. damn webbie is retarded!
the only reason for someone to join the team is if they wated to be the war arranger, hint hint anyone want to be a war arranger?
Aug 9 2008, 10:50 PM
yeh, u do
Aug 9 2008, 11:01 PM
what join the team? Sure duk give me a role and i'll fill it!
Aug 10 2008, 01:26 AM
Registation details:Clan Tags:=SM=
Clan Name:sneakymonkeys.
Clan Website:www.sneakymonkeys.com.
Clan Nationality:United Kingdom.
Clan Public Server: 16567
ClanVehicle Server: 16767
Clan Match Server: 16567
Clan WA: warduk
Clan WA MSN:
Clan WA Email:
Clan WA Xfire:
2nd Clan WA:jazz_bloke
2nd Clan WA MSN:xl_r8_99@hotmail.com
2nd Clan WA Email:
Clan WA Xfire:jazzbloke
3rd Clan WA:
3rd Clan WA: MSN
3rd Clan WA Email:
Clan WA Xfire:
Clan Spokesperson:
1. Warduk
2. jazz_bloke
add ur details warduk and magik! we need to post it here as soon as! =CD= will vouch for us and im sure a few other clans will do to!
http://www.definitive-leagues.net/index.ph...wforum&f=61 We need to come up with a few nice words to go with it.
Aug 10 2008, 09:51 AM
I would be interested
Let me know whats going down, or at least tell Frantic as I am sure he'll pass information to me.
You'll probadly want to use me as a sub for a while though as I am unsure if I am going to be around much but I will make myself avialable for match's and training if needs be (And for the right money I might be available for anything else!)
=R6= Warduk
Aug 10 2008, 11:28 AM
yea well rob that is all well n good but we need to post our roster up on the site first. this means we dont need everyone who wants to play to be registered, which just goes to show you magik 5 is never right about anything
however everytime i try to poost in the roster section it says only users granted speshul access are allowed to post here.. so we need some speshul person to do it which i dont knnow who.
and the other thing is with your template.. me and thee cannot be the spokespersons and be the leader/ WA's as they need to be able to be contacted if either of the leader/ WA is unavailable.
Aug 10 2008, 11:57 AM
what did i say i was right about in the first place :s
=R6= Warduk
Aug 10 2008, 12:02 PM
QUOTE(Magik5 @ Aug 10 2008, 12:59 AM)
yeh, u do
that bit
=R6= Warduk
Aug 10 2008, 01:16 PM
right well here is an example/ template that we need to fill in with our own roster, bearing in mind that we can add everyone to it wether theyre signed up to the site or not. eg. we can put monkey on ther even tho he hasnt 'greed to it
Thread title: Threecrowns roster
Team: Threecrowns
Tag: {3:-}
Member name - join date
{3:-}Oracleman - 04-02-2006
{3:-}tapper - 08-02-2006
{3:-}Sk4j - 09-02-2006
{3:-}CCM - 10-02-2006
{3:-}palq - 10-02-2006
{3:-}Lokn71 - 12-02-2006
{3:-}Pico - 10-02-2006
{3:-}Charming - 10-02-2006
{3:-}Bomber - 10-02-2006
{3:-}Skatan - 25-05-2006
{3:-}Isa - 10-02-2006
{3:-}halge.com - 11-02-2006
{3:-}Rallare - 11-02-2006
{3:-}Fea - 12-02-2006
{3:-}Nioha - 13-02-2006
{3:-}Warhole - 15-02-2006
{3:-}MrWhite - 16-02-2006
{3:-}Haz3 - 22-03-2006
{3:-}Pessla - 23-03-2006
{3:-}Zemoch - 09-03-2007
{3:-}Meister - 09-03-2007
{3:-}Fear - 09-03-2007
{3:-}Yoggin - 10-03-2007
{3:-}Ghost - 04-12-2007
{3:-}Pelund - 22-12-2007
{3:-}Raven - 10-01-2008
=R6= Warduk
Aug 10 2008, 01:46 PM
plz correct me on any
Thread title: Sneaky monkeys roster
Team: Sneaky Monkeys
Tag: =SM=
Member name - join date (only necessaruy for later additions)
=SM= WarDuk
=SM= Jazz_Bloke
=SM= Magik5
=SM= Magik6
=SM= Lilad
=SM= Monkeyfiend
=SM= Foxinsoxx
=SM= Fido
=SM= DumDum
=SM= Goochtyke
=SM= Frantic
=SM= Buster-472
=SM= Oneshotkill
=SM= Artofsurvival
=SM= Raile
=SM= Kinglufc
=SM= Fr.Tedcrilly
=SM= Mcjaffa
=SM= Crowley6t9
=SM= Twonuk
=R6= Warduk
Aug 10 2008, 01:46 PM
rem im posting here first as it would be a hassle to add people at a later date, so make any corrections on names and add anyone who is missing.
ty, DuK
Aug 10 2008, 01:49 PM
looks lovely duk! hmm who else is missing? I cant think of anyone else? add afterburnz? sure he would play! is there a limit to the number of players? Loads of clans that play on sm server are listed! This league thing is a good idea me thinks!
Aug 10 2008, 01:50 PM
i hope monkey and fox come on tonight?
Aug 10 2008, 02:22 PM
just throwing this out there, but why not have RM as clan tag seeing as its a compliation of both us clans?
Rogue monkeys? sounds rather fetching ...
But yeah, if there isnt enough players im in tbh, im formatting my pc like nowz0rz...
Aug 10 2008, 02:22 PM
just throwing this out there, but why not have RM as clan tag seeing as its a compliation of both us clans?
Rogue monkeys? sounds rather fetching ...
But yeah, if there isnt enough players im in tbh, im formatting my pc like nowz0rz...
im writing this on my well nice MACINTOSH..kthnxbai
Aug 10 2008, 02:23 PM
sounds great i think duk? Cool could do with u playing tonight if u can?
Aug 10 2008, 02:26 PM
duk: hint hint anyone want to be a war arranger?
magik5: yeh, you do
go blow a goat
Aug 10 2008, 02:27 PM
are you asking me there rob?
if so, count me in my love chiken..
just read magik5 still thinks about me =D i feel so loved...
i should be ready easily by tonight its on 50 % done... so just need to install bf and then ...becuase im cool i have the patch ready and waiting on my external hd...so BOOM BOOM
Aug 10 2008, 02:38 PM
good deal thx! Yup was asking ur kind self! Magic5 is my love chiken! Get bf2 in there load up and get on the field later! I want to kick arse tonight =) Magic maybe need to rearrange the squad so we can put king in?
Aug 10 2008, 02:39 PM
rob i think for the first time you might actually be able to kill me
Aug 10 2008, 02:49 PM
i will actually lol.com so much if he does
as for squads, he can bring up the rear [insert epical loller here] in some shape or form
Aug 10 2008, 02:54 PM
lol ur a joker magic lol ill own u king no joke =) magic too! and war every one lol
Aug 10 2008, 03:00 PM
up the rear sounds good, im going to try and get back to good form for tonight then with some quick practice i guess...
gg me,
its now on the finalising stages...OMFG its nearly done
Aug 10 2008, 03:35 PM
warduk i was just sorting out last minute things with CD clan and he said we have to set the server up for def league config and we need to post in the link iwas saying last night!!! Just to watch our back im gonna do it!
Aug 10 2008, 03:42 PM
do i need to send u my date of wen i joined bf2 where that list of us is ?
Aug 10 2008, 06:10 PM
warduck,on the example of the roster you have my name as =SM=dumdum its actually =SM= dumdum71.dont know if that will be a problem.i just thought i,d point it out.
=R6= Warduk
Aug 10 2008, 06:40 PM
im not sure but its best to make it dead acurate just in case
Aug 11 2008, 03:02 AM
i'm registered, but can't sign up to the team.
Aug 11 2008, 10:00 AM
Im up for it bit late to this thread so dont know how many players you have...
=R6= Warduk
Aug 11 2008, 11:38 AM
right guys the final part of this bloody long process is to basically have 2 friendlies against DL teams so that they can vouch for us and that to make sure we play by the rules.
Aug 11 2008, 12:27 PM
sign up oneshot, we need you! =]
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