=FaRT= skutaboy
Aug 1 2008, 10:54 AM
I'm running low on space on my 160gb hard drive because I messed it up. (Unallocated space, blah blah blah), I have heard about RAID 0 being a better set up for PC performance and wondered if there is any significant advantage in gaming with this set up.
If its a good move, what componants would you opt for? I would like at least 250gb but 2 x 250gb hard drives would give me 500gb right?
Aug 1 2008, 11:20 AM
well for raid 0 (striping) to work you'll need 2 disks, preferably of the same type and speed (e.g. 2x150gb Western Digital Raptors or some 10k cheetahs)
Striping works by reading/writing a section (stripe) of data to the first disk and some to the second disk at the same time. This makes things faster as a computer is basically using two disks to simultaneously read/write to.
This means that loading info from disk is faster - however not while this may reduce your game loading times, most games store as much info in real memory. So having faster disks won't improve the gameplay itself - it would probably reduce your loading times slightly.
The other consideration of striping the lack of redundancy. On a standard single disk, if it break you lose everything. With Raid 0 if EITHER disk breaks then it renders the system unuseable. The other types of raid have data redundancy but tis basically means buying additional disk - not really worth it.
Basically if you've money to burn then Raid 0 will improve performance at the cost of fault tolerance. (so make backups!)
Due to work and paranoia, I have a Raid 1 array (mirrored)
Aug 1 2008, 11:23 AM
raid 1 ftw =]
Aug 1 2008, 11:26 AM
oh and as for capacity... always go for the fastest drives for your system disk or system raid array: this is where most of the data is read/written to then use larger disks for storage
=FaRT= skutaboy
Aug 2 2008, 01:40 AM
Thanks for that. What drives would you recommend/
Aug 2 2008, 02:17 AM
For the fast drives (providing you have SATA connections, 99% sure you do)
Seagate Cheetah
Western Digital Raptor
For the bulk drives I can't fault Samsung Spinpoint 500gb or 1tb drives - HJ501/HD100 or something in the model numbers
=FaRT= skutaboy
Aug 2 2008, 09:31 AM
Nice one thanks.
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