Aug 1 2008, 10:45 AM
While the website and anti-hack tools have matured nicely, I was wondering if there are any areas for improvements.
So any things that exist already that need improvement or new things that you think could be added?
(website can be slow sometimes, usually because we are under attack most of the time these days (can't really be sorted without a lot of money)
We have:
Main site, News, Downloads etc.,
Player Database ( - recording the cd hashes of all players on the server
Namehack Tool ( - comparing ingame name against gamespy PID to locate namehackers
Forums - reasonably well developed forum system
Battlerecorder - streaming to sneakymonkeys/demos (for main server) and (for vehicles server)
Stats Site - *Live updated bf2 stats*
Clan stats - similar to above (click leaderboard links) - allows signature generation
Player locator - locate which servers players with =SM= tags are on
Teamspeak - we have a 40 man teamspeak server. Public but secured against hacks
MP3 player - need some work, but I'm lazy (also some potential copyright vioatlions with proper mp3's)
(and since I view this site in work, nothing involving naked people I'm afraid)
Aug 1 2008, 11:14 AM
i think we got the best forums i've seen so far. just if the damn mp3 player worked!(don't know if i would use it though, since i got plenty music on my pooter)
Aug 1 2008, 11:27 AM
i was going to pm you before i saw this, can we have a videos section?
basically i want to upload my 118mb bf2 vid i have, but youtube wont let me as its over 10mins long.... i was just wondering if you could host it for me

understand if bandwidth is as issue though.
im happy with how the site is, but i just wish more people would come on the forums and post abuse about me or take the piss out of fidos ts fetish or something
Aug 1 2008, 11:45 AM
hmmm, interesting idea. From a technical standpoint making something like youtube isn't difficult, however would probably need different hosting (as most webhosts forbid the use of video sharing now(this one too probably)) and also to prevent large videos interfering with the operation of the website.
I'll have a mooch around and see what it would onvolve both from a technical point and from cost perspective.
As for more people I wouldn't mind the size of the clan with 20 people providing those 20 came on the site or participated in some way- although I admit some people tend to contribute a lot without being website fiends (such as dumdum). The only thing I can suggest is to grow the clan to a larger size. Not everyone bums around all day on the website when the should be working
Aug 1 2008, 12:36 PM
id be happy to contribute towards hosting...
as for bumming around, my day generally goes: programming, be a bum, programming, be a bum, lunch, programming, be a bum home time
Aug 1 2008, 01:32 PM
I think you've mixed up 'being a bum' with 'getting bummed' or is that more of a hobby
Aug 1 2008, 01:35 PM
only when your standing behind me
Aug 1 2008, 01:50 PM
1. I'm not gay
2. if I was, I'd still have standards
Aug 1 2008, 01:59 PM
you cant hide from the truth
=R6= Warduk
Aug 1 2008, 02:30 PM
yes you can, its called a closet
Sep 23 2009, 11:00 PM
QUOTE(=R6= Warduk @ Aug 1 2008, 03:30 PM)

yes you can, its called a closet

haha touche
best come back iv ever heard. speaking of comming on backs... magic, where are you?
Sep 24 2009, 08:04 AM
speaking of comebacks... resurrecting a thread from over a year ago :s
ahhh actually it's probably taken this long for that 'computer' of yours to open up this webpage
Sep 24 2009, 08:13 AM
still think you should change the forum header image
Snape's On A Plane
Nov 6 2009, 06:08 PM
I think we could have our own radio station with songs on so when we hear cobolt singing the chances are that its to one of those songs.
And the first song should be Always look on the bright side of life This way we can spend even less time concentrating on playing L4D
Nov 6 2009, 11:32 PM
QUOTE(Snape's On A Plane @ Nov 6 2009, 06:08 PM)

I think we could have our own radio station with songs on so when we hear cobolt singing the chances are that its to one of those songs.
And the first song should be Always look on the bright side of life This way we can spend even less time concentrating on playing L4D
hmmm really..... bit pointless imo
monkey any chance of a rss button (like the one we already have) but it feeds the stuff in the members section too?
i dunno if its even possible or would compromise security :/ that's your forté not mine

TIA either way lol
we seem to have a few members across the world now
how about some sort of world time clocks image to give us a idea of what time our members are in
maybey 1 clock for uk, another for mid usa time and finally another for europe
Jan 26 2010, 02:14 PM
forgot about this topic.. the RSS button dumps out RSS without any form of login, so it either it retrieves public topics or allows the public too see members sections.. not sure if there's a way around this, such as putting the RSS links in a password protected area or something.
As for world clocks, am sure I can sort this out.. although the forms allow local time for each user anyway e.g. someone in USA can set their forum clocks back 6 hours etc., Will look into clock for US/Europe then
maybe think about getting rid of the public servers banners on the main page
seems they are pointing to servers run by other clans
Jan 26 2010, 08:20 PM
yarbuggery, will do that when am next in work
Jan 27 2010, 05:14 PM
could c0d0rz the clock idea in flash if you wanted...
Jan 30 2010, 08:03 PM
go 'ead then
Jan 31 2010, 12:24 PM
wow those are awesome!
can they be done without the seconds hands?
Jan 31 2010, 04:38 PM
yeh can take them out
vector graphics and what not so can be sized to any resolution without looking shiz - i dont know where these are going to live etc so i just made the size up for now
Jan 31 2010, 05:28 PM
AM/PM indicator would be handy
is it just me or does the hour hand not moving round the clock as the minutes tick by?
when it appears to say 5:45 its actually 6:45
Feb 1 2010, 09:54 AM
fixed (i think

may need to clear cache
like said before dont know about styling or where its going to live so will leave as is for now
Feb 1 2010, 01:36 PM
the clock for texas is off by an hour. but thats ok since some piece of shit decided we should change our time twice a year like a bunch of fucking retards
Feb 1 2010, 02:24 PM
hmm i went by wikipedia's UTC timezones

loads the timezones in from an xml file anyway so can easily change/edit add new ones as and when
Feb 9 2010, 01:25 PM
ok, where do people want this clock methingy to go? as in what pages?
Feb 9 2010, 06:09 PM
Feb 11 2010, 11:28 AM
err i guess front page, vertical under say the music section or the shop sections...
Feb 11 2010, 03:40 PM
vertical you say? isn't that one fat horizontal flash object?
Feb 11 2010, 04:09 PM
it can be made however you want, i meant id recompile it so the clocks are tiled vertically, but i forgot to mention that
hmm could we change the "view recent posts tab" on the forum page to display the last 3-5 threads regardless of age or at least until say a week has passed
i made a post about the l4d1 server late last night and it dissapears from it this morning so unless monkey trawls through the thread again he'll prob not see it >.<
i know it shows up on the mainpage but if everyone else is like me then you prob either go straight to the forum and the spamb....shoutbox or have the forum as your bookmark ^^
another solution would be to have the shoutbox on the mainpage or maybe someone has a better idea?
Feb 17 2010, 08:27 AM
If you look at the bottom of the forums there is as a link called "todays active topics" - it displays the threads active in believe or not, the last day

your post is in there
Feb 17 2010, 09:23 AM
Yeah that's how I find all the active topics
Feb 17 2010, 01:02 PM
i usually keep al the topics marked as read meaning if someone posts something new it highlights it, I get to read anything posted that I haven't already clicked on and read, I don't use the recent topics thing on the front page (that was requested by someone)
QUOTE(Magik5 @ Feb 17 2010, 08:27 AM)

If you look at the bottom of the forums there is as a link called "todays active topics" - it displays the threads active in believe or not, the last day

your post is in there
omg ^^ lolz i've never scolled down that far before

ah anyway can this command be put at the top of the forum next to control panel etc?? so it's a bit more accessible. (my scroll wheel plays havok with my rsi)
oh yeah on another completely unrelated sidenote/issue
i'm finding it very hard to reply to/create new posts, the white text input box is unselectable in firefox 3.6, but works fine in the generic M$ IE, could there be a option i'm missing in my FF settings that is stopping me from using it?
Feb 17 2010, 02:18 PM
hmmm... I wonder if this was the same issue lawpf was having. That being said I'm using 3.6 as I type this

Will start looking at the browser specific code on the website.
Feb 17 2010, 02:25 PM
think ill hold on my ff update until this has been confirmed fixed
Feb 17 2010, 02:37 PM
Co-incidentally: to be a common problem introduced by Firefox 3.6, rather than any of my jiggery-pokery on this board.
A workaround for the moment (apart from using IE, is to go to your forum control panel and set the text editor from "rich text editing" to "basic" or soemthing along those lines.
Meanwhile I'll be dissembling apart the text_editor_func file to see if I can update it. The patch suggested by invision (2.3.6) doesn't work and they're suggestion on upgrading to v3 sent me into a mini tirade

Since I'll update this in the fly, you might see some funny goings on with the replies button today as I'm modifying things
Feb 17 2010, 02:38 PM
I'm running 3.6 too and find sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.
Feb 17 2010, 03:11 PM
Looks like fast reply or anything using fast reply works whereas new topics and normal replies shouldn't
Either way, I've chucked together a temporary workaround so you shouldn't have problems replying/making posts... will need to properly look into the code when I get a chance.
And a big fuck you to IPB for suppliying a .js file with no formatting (big block of text). Fuckers.
Feb 17 2010, 03:55 PM
lol at the js file, i sometimes see these and cry
Feb 17 2010, 04:05 PM
Well if anyone now has any issues posting replies etc., let me know.
Regarding this Forum Version
IPB version 2 (this site) goes out of support in July 2010. The version 3 is more expensive, complex and frankly shit compared to this one in pretty much every way, In v3, none of the old skins or mods e.g. the shoutbox work without heavy recoding and frankly most of the custom skins i've seen are just css colour changey ones. Already seen quite a few flaws in the security (mostly code injections) so can't think of a good reason to update for security concerns.
The site has been tweaked so much over previous years that half their current updates and patches don't work here anyway (such as their patch for the rich text editing above) where the js had already been sanitised to remove some potentially bad html being chucked out (and I note their patches js released recently didn't even address this)
The usual forums alternatives apply: phpbb and vbulletin. At the moment I can't see any reason to change forum when IPB reaches end of life
Feb 17 2010, 04:13 PM
me neither - ive always thought they do the same thing anyway but most sites insist on using horribly digusting colour combinations which just looks ghey. This site's forum tends to be the more visually appealing ive seen in a minimalistic kind of way - only thing that should change imo is that forum header image

<insert giant dig at r6's shitty shoutbox here>
i also think the forum header needs a refresh, but i do like the groovy monkey so i don't wanna lose that
maybe one of our more artistic members can photoshop up something or if there are a few members maybe a compo??
winner gets to have their banner displayed and gets a special "mute cobolt" button to be used as and when for a month ^^
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