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Full Version: Hey SM long time no see ;)
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Hey guys,
Its me biggrin.gif Silent_Gundam from SM. Me and Snipershot have recently come back from our break, to see that R6 have disapeared ohmy.gif Which make us two homeless. Before our break we used to play on your server quite a lot (Some of you may remember). And we are interested in joining Sneaky Monkeys smile.gif
I don't know what to put about my self, so please fell free to ask me anything.

Well - i know R6 seem to have moved away from the whole bf2 thing, the only thing that concerns me is that one of you asked quite a long tima ago, then while we were looking on to it you just dissapeared never to be seen again.
We dont mind if you have school/work and can only play at certain times, just let us know.
So if you want to join gimme a shout on here or teamspeak and ill sort the two of you out with a trial.
Tess (foxx)
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