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Full Version: hello guys
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Hello Guys!!!As i told Monkey i was wondering if i could join ur clan...xD see ya in battlefield! xXx
hello and welcome m8:)
Hey Ale3,
On here we have a week trial system where by you wear tags and get admin rights on the server, after the week if all is well you get to join - nice and simple.
a few requirements/ things to mention - you must have a headset and teamspeak (can be downloaded from the downloads section on the website)
we also have a £5 a month donation to pay for the server/website/teamspeak.
If you have any questions/ concerns just gimme a shout
best bet is to jump on ts sometime and we can have a chat.
Tess (foxx)
that is what i'm gonna do but in two days from now cause i got pretty much work to do and i'll be off...Soooooo see you in battlefield in 2 days...xXx
Paul(ale3iptwtistis) smile.gif
you need to post a little about yourself. eg. where your from, what you do. that kind of stuff. unless things have changed. i really don't know!
i like men
Hey ale3iptwtistis good to see you made it to the site (was ddiffcult trying to type and not crash a helicopter tongue.gif)

Yeah post a bit about yourself and let us know when you want to start a trial - we then send out a mail with all the admin details and info that you need smile.gif


i knew there was something very funny about majik5!

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