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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
hello im lilad1111, im 16, i go to college to join the army, im from birmingham in england, im a footballer, ive played on your server and i like the look of it and plus your clan is brill, i would like to ask if i could join your clan, because im good at teamwork, kills, following orders as instructed in gameplay, plus a very good medic in the gameplay so would you give me a chance in your clan ? rolleyes.gif

yes i have headset and teamspeak im all prepared lol
hiya lilad welcome to the forums. Monkey or Foxx (head admins) will get back shortly about recruitment and the whole protocol Law
ok thank you very much

will u tell me on this clan website or by email if i can ask plz?
i can tell you right now! smile.gif, all you do is come on teamspeak when you play so we get to know you, and aslong as your not a raving loonatic you go on trial where you get a week of admin rights, wearing clan tags etc if all goes well then at the end of the week you join - its been the best way to get everyone together to make sure we all get on well.

hey welcome to the site smile.gif

Good at teamwork you say? well that'll make a change on our server! tongue.gif tongue.gif tongue.gif

To be honest I'm probably most guilty of running round liek rambo and dying every 5 seconds tongue.gif

Am in work 8:30-5:30 if you need me on the site - otherwise will catch you on teamspeak or in game later biggrin.gif


hey guys
how am i doing so far in my trials
sorry bout hedset it broke
your doing fine, ive spoken to you a fair bit, but without a mic its difficult for the rest of the guys to get to know you, ill have a word with them tonight, can you try to get a mic that works in the meantime though smile.gif
yhyh sure i can use da one now but it snapped ill get it working though laugh.gif
how is my trials going so far
im sorry about my hedset being broke though im going to buy some new
ones sometime this week
well its friday tommorrow so i suggest u get one sharpish, only 7 quid from tesco

im on my 4th set, they dont break easily , but mine do when my little girl keeps standing on the fookers:(
I always thought yours break from shouting down them too much tongue.gif

but yeah... no problems so far but people still want to hear you on Teamspeak... so yeah... hurry up and get a mic!
or you could be budget like me and get a free standing mic. stolen from the school my mum works at!

is my trials over if it is have i made the clan ?
apart from the technical difficulty
Hey lilad,

Have sent you a private message with some details.

Give me a shout if there's any questions or queries smile.gif


hmmmm i got nuthin tu ask at the momment lol
wa server are u guys on ?
Im gonna get the vote up for you tonight, so we should have you in within the next 2 days.
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