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Full Version: CTD Server Hack
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=FaRT= skutaboy
Our server is now getting hit by this new hack quite regularly...

Anyone else's server getting it?

They are even showing it on Youtube...
i'm not sure if its the same thing but i have had to reload the game several times here lately. at first i thought there was something wrong with my pooter.
i've had it happen on several different servers, too.
yep - fraid its happening a lot. Also players don't need to be connected to do it, so all the previous noobs we have banned can actually bring down the server even though they are banned sad.gif

(started a few days back and is now becoming a lot more common)
fkn me off lately so i cba to play
yeah I know the feeling: I spent hours writing anti-cheat checks or fiddling with the server/looking up dodgy players and then you get nubs coming along and doing this.

I don't blame the writers (like t2x) as at least they're making money from selling hacks. The 13 year old kids that think its funny to kill of a 32 player server just before the end of the round fuck me off bigtime.

After spending loads of time adminning wheen I finally do get on - half the time recently I've had to come out of game to start looking up dodgy players.

The sooner they get the damn patch out the better tongue.gif
I cant understand why you say its not the people who write the hacks fault fair play they make money cos there is a market out there.
But what pisses me off is anyone who hacks or writes them they just ruin a good game for the real players why cant they fuck off and play amongst themselves instead of ruining it for us!!! angry.gif angry.gif angry.gif angry.gif
i never could understand hacking noobs!!!!!

=FaRT= skutaboy
QUOTE(=FaRT= skutaboy @ Aug 2 2008, 06:01 AM) *

unless i blow the chopper, then i get loads of pionts. yay, me!!!!!
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