Jun 22 2008, 10:13 AM
Sorry I didnt get on last night. I was looking forward to a good game with all of you + the new guys. But as the title suggest i think my hard drive has gone to PC heaven.
When i boot it jams at the desktop. When i boot from the recovery CD i get blue screened and it says lots about my hard drive. And i've tried booting from a Linux CD and it freezes. Any ideas??
If the HD has gone does any1 no of anyway I could possibly use to rescue stuff from it. Eg the music collection ive amassed over the last years.
Jun 22 2008, 11:08 AM
surely if you booted from a linux cd it by-passes your hard drive? perhaps something else is up...
have you been overclocking recently?
Jun 22 2008, 12:25 PM
nah i havent overclocked. I put a new PSU and Gcard in yesterday. Then when I did a load of uninstalls everything went to the shitter
Jun 22 2008, 12:48 PM
fresh install of xp should do the trick =]
that or look for a driver cleaner - basically software that gets rid of any remains of unused drivers that could clog up your system
Jun 22 2008, 04:07 PM
found out wasn't my hardrive. As my brotyher managed to force entry onto it and copy everything off. So I guess i will be installing XP or Vista 64bit. Anyone no where I could get Office 07 for a good price/ free (and not of Bitorrent)
Jun 22 2008, 04:11 PM
Jun 22 2008, 05:02 PM
you mean software can be acquired through places other than bit torrent? good grief
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