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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
hey ther all u =sn= clan membs i am zjplay and i wood like to be a memb for u pl i am 18 i play your suver like every day i play bf2 and if i not on it i not playing.

i cant spell worth a dang i live in the big U.S.A Tx and i wood like my usernme on bf2 to be =sn=zjplay.

read hear! your clan rocks!!
=R6= Warduk
lil wyt>
Hi zjplay,

Think I remember playing in the same squad as you the other day smile.gif

What we normally do is get people on teamspeak (download on the front page, downloads section) and just drop in and say hi.

Once you've been on teamspeak we normally put players on a 7 day trial (to make sure that you're right for the clan and also to make sure you still want to join after you've played alongside us for a while smile.gif)

Anyway, drop by teamspeak (give me a shout if you need any help setting it up or connecting)
hey, glad you got in touch - had a good round with you last time
Monkey says you wont install teamspeak, how come?
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