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anyone going to be playing it the summer then? My bro's on closed beta and says its awesome

latest trailer:
nah looks crap
Yeah I'm with 5, looks terrible
Been watching the coverage over the past couple of months, the unlocks are ridiculous, the new gaming style is ok, but then again, BF is an FPS format to me, so i want a first person view. I will definatly download it purley becuase its free.

oh and it just screams we DIDN'T copy TF2 HONEST
LMFAO...................... looks like its made for 5 year olds , like sommat u see on fookin cbeebies.......PANTS no thnx smile.gif
Dunno if my PC would be capable of processing the awesome graphics for that game laugh.gif
i see what you all mean. but i think its worth a try and seeing it is free not like ur losing out on anything. It is a copy of TF2 but from playing TF2 recently the combination of the two can only mean a good thing. also i think Heroes will not be taken as seriosuly as BF2 which is one of the things ive enjoyed about TF2 more than anything.
=R6= Warduk
omg how can you say that about a free game you evil monkeys! its FREE and itll b a right laff and makes a change from the norm.
yeah warduk's got it. ill see you on the cartoon field in the summer
=R6= Warduk
woop woop! cartooons ftw, just finished watchin scooby ;D
spongebob squarepants is AWESOME
omg, what a bunch of tards tongue.gif

Its all about the Euro Cup this summer, not shit versions of the field
yeah euro 2008 go England... oh no we didnt qualify angry.gif
People are too caught up in the competition of having England qualify and forget that the best matches are going to be between national teams in the world and euro cup, so they don't watch it

Anyway England have been playing too shit to enjoy watching them, France is the team to watch.
QUOTE(Magik5 @ May 24 2008, 11:30 AM) *
spongebob squarepants is AWESOME

i fookin agree there dude.........waaaaaaaaahhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Hull 1 - 0 Bristol sad.gif sad.gif sad.gif :'(
But the main game is leeds tomorrow, then again
The game looks good, the new abilities they have introduced arre abit 'out there' but i think the game is suppose to be out there...
why have you added wof to your hate list? rofl
becuase he IS a very very [insert extreme bad word] and i hate him...
they arent as good as everyone thinks they are, rule and him only play together, hence when one dies the other gets revieved, and quite frankly the amount of people which think they are amazing just astounds me.

Get either on there own and they haev no chance, hence why i find them annoying as they think there 'pr0'
/rant mode enabled

and leeds just got fucking beat.
LOL you support Leeds???? have fun in the new division
QUOTE(OneShotKill @ May 26 2008, 03:39 PM) *
LOL you support Leeds???? have fun in the new division

new division. me tinks they lost therefore will stay in the same division
dont you mean the same
but if that was sarcasm
epic loose.
hmmmmmm i heard differently anyways my bad
=R6= Warduk
you really are a FAG arnt you. im from leeds too bitch get your facts straight! mofo
HUH mellow.gif what did i do to have the whole of =R6= against me?? unsure.gif
being you... which = a pillock

fyi im not =r6=
leave oneshot alone you big jheys
=R6= Warduk
magik stop trying to make your own language up by changing gaming words into phail ones. IT GHEYS ok!? god what a nub.
Shut up warduk ur a measn(magiks special word), and lawpf fyi i wasnt talking to you
=R6= Warduk
easter bunny says STFU! one shot one miss NUB!
rofl just because you see yourself as a onethreethreeseven gamor

doesnt mean everyone else does ;p

rofl before you start getting defensive, IM ONLY PLAYINGxorzing
=R6= Raile
this is the worst thread i have ever read
i've turned my BF2 NEWS newsgroup to off
how dare you insult my thread lol

but yeah i have to agree it has kinda strayed from the original point

i also like this one

this is my thread as well sad.gif
=R6= Warduk
lol im only havin a lol, plus i dont think im 1337. I KNOW IT biggrin.gif peace out doods and see you on the cartoon field
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