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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Support > PC, Website, Server & Game Support
sorry about the topic title lmao.

right, we have moved the pc to another location. it is all plugged into orginal ports etc. HOWEVER

1: on my dads account (admin) some icons and the toolbar in the far right dont load up and just show a blur of colours or blocks of blue where his icons should be (and you cant click on them etc) where as on the rest of the accounts, there complete

2: No documents are printing from our printer, it is full of ink, the leads are in correctly, however you send ti to print, get the icon saying it is etc, but its not. dead. doesnt come to life or anything...

does anyone have any ideas , if so would be GREATLY thankful for your help, as dad is threatening to take off my games ¬¬ .. roll on payday for a new system tongue.gif haha (hes scared of computers.. doesnt know how to work them and thinks alllll games are bad.. although i have explained if games where bad im sure EA wouldnt still be in business)


thank you muchly

try changing youre desktop resolution for startes example 1024/768 if its still the same may be yer moniter is fecked

Will rule out monitor issue or graphics hardware since you say it works fine on other accounts. Therefore it must be something on the computer software on this particular account thats causing the problem.
whats the chance of a screenshot? Also when logged in as admin if you control-alt-delete can we have a list of processes running. Suspect something bad has loaded up in this profile and is b0rking the stuff that appears on the desktop.


Since you're in XP, if you click start>printers & faxes, does your printer appear there> If you click start>right click on 'my computer' and select properties > hardware > device manager - does you printer appear in the list (and is there any ! or ? on its icon).

Is the printer USB and is it connected to the same port that it was previously connected to (since you moved it)?

and more stuff to follow once more info is posted biggrin.gif
i love the word b0rk
huh magik bit random where does it say b0rk or are u havin a special moment?
QUOTE(MonkeyFiend @ May 9 2008, 01:10 PM) *
Suspect something bad has loaded up in this profile and is b0rking the stuff that appears on the desktop.

rofl, starting using b0rk a couple of weeks ago, means broke ;p

its fun to play with wr0ds
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