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Full Version: Kick/Ban Change
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Support > PC, Website, Server & Game Support
The hack from 'that' hack site that allows messages to be spammed to the server, overloading and causing it to disconnect all the players (although technically the server doesn't crash)

This happened last night, annoyingly the hack allows rapid change of guid, so even after a ban the 29-year old noob (haxrocks) came back and did it again.

The default delay in kicks/bans is 5 seconds, I've changed this to instant.

If you or the server kick/ban a player they will not see a message in-game advising them of the kick/ban. Although everyone else will still see it.

This means that if someone tries to cause a mass disconnect again, you should be able to prevent this by kicking them before they have a chance to flood the chat. Hopefully some tweaks made to the autobans from chat spam will also help prevent a mass disconnect.

If they come back to evade the ban using a different guid, the easiest thing to do is make an IP ban, this will stop them getting on while their IP is the same. (also feel free to use an IP range e.g. 82.82.82.* etc.,)

so what happened to haxrocks then smile.gif
I will pray to the flying spaghetti monster to smite him down tongue.gif
lol, whoever came up with that has way too much time on his hands.
Hi alli need script with this commands:
kick <name> <time>
mute <name> <time>
subnetban <name

If anyone have it, please send me. or if anyone can do make it, please make and send me here I will be grateful


I'll assume this is for L4D.. if you google for metamod:source and sourcemod these should cover the !kick and !mute options.

By subnetban I assume you mean ban by IP in which case again sourcemod has the option for banning by IP or more usually by steamID. Unless you're running some LAN event I can't think of a reason why you'd ban a subnet.. especially since most people have subnet Thinking about it, you might mean an IP range ban like 127.0.0.* - these aren't a very good idea since ISP's generally own quite a range and peoples IP's are rather dynamic.

I've not posted a link to metamod/sourcemod as the version you download anad build depends on your server: windows/linux etc.,

[Edit: the above posted triggered website security. Have removed the account - it's actually a rather clever context activated spambot: posts guff based on the rest of the website content (bit like google adwords etc.,). lol, kids these days
is that windows 95 in his avatar?

lollatron TO THE RESCUE!
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