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Full Version: Losing key packets
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Getting kicked for losing key packets! I know this has something to do with Punk Buster. But my pb seems to be up to date. Any answers???
Getting the losing key packets messsage: udp packets can get dropped or be recieved out of order ect.

Current PB version is v2.059.1392

PB updates in progress or a bad connection are common causes.

1. When did this start happening?
2. Does it happen on all servers?
3. Any other problems such as (more than usual) lag etc.,?


PB updated recently (re: post in bf2 news tongue.gif) but they are rolling back the changes since it caused chaos, so 'another' pb update to roll it back - so its quite possible this is being caused by a slow or stalled PB update

You can use pbsetup.exe

However to manually update, right click and save the following security files to your "PB" folder:


Next download and save the following 2 files to your "PB/htm" folder

PB Client v2.059 for Win32
PB ClientA v1392 for Win32

After this you can restart the pbK service if you know how, in practice just restart the computer (which has the same effect) tongue.gif

This will mean your PB is definitely up to date, if the problems still persist then it rules out PB being out of date/stalled/updating in progress etc., and you'll probably need to start looking at internet connection/firewall etc.,


=R6= Warduk
i find that losing key packets is because your internet is uploading something, i.e if your on utorrent and your uploading something then you get major key packet loss. Myspace is also a biatch when it comes to key packets
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