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Full Version: BeatPiraat's application to join SM
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Hello my friends,

I am a 36y old healthy young man from Belgium who enjoys cutting some heads off smile.gif

I've been playing Chivalry for over 3 years and I have been on the SM-server basically from the beginning, first as Beat2Beat, later as BeatPiraat.
I have 440hours in the game right now and try to play on a regular basis.

I am good friends with Mister Doom (Rübezahl) and try to get along with all the rest biggrin.gif
Other SM-members that I know: Queen Munchkin (All hail the queen) and Chimpie.
I also try to use the VC on the Discord-channel from time to time with some of the other players on the server.

The reason of me wanting to join?
Well I like to keep the game/server alive and give my full support for that smile.gif

Thank you in advance and see you on the battlefield!

Ser Clitcommander of Doom
Hey Beat, first of all thank you for wanting to join us!

The council of monkeys that are sneaky will discuss and debate on your application.

We will come to a decision in about 2 weeks (-ish) and give you our answer shortly after.

Until then keep enjoying chopping of heads good ser smile.gif)
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