I am a 36y old healthy young man from Belgium who enjoys cutting some heads off

I've been playing Chivalry for over 3 years and I have been on the SM-server basically from the beginning, first as Beat2Beat, later as BeatPiraat.
I have 440hours in the game right now and try to play on a regular basis.
I am good friends with Mister Doom (Rübezahl) and try to get along with all the rest

Other SM-members that I know: Queen Munchkin (All hail the queen) and Chimpie.
I also try to use the VC on the Discord-channel from time to time with some of the other players on the server.
The reason of me wanting to join?
Well I like to keep the game/server alive and give my full support for that

Thank you in advance and see you on the battlefield!