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Full Version: unban WONDERWOMAN
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Playla Diamond
i was banned, just of beeing a KoF-member(short time)...
there was no other reason and NEVER a problem with me on SM-server/ingame.

Im not more a KoF member, it was a honor for me to be in a clan,
but its better to be for my own- i just want to play!

- racist
- trolling
- pervert
- or disrespecting an admin
on your server/ ingame...

I wasn't even voted out of the game...

i even tried to mediate, on both sides,
in your kindergarten war of clans(SM/KOF)
- you can read it in your forum..

I dont care about kindergarten war of clans (SM/KOF), anymore.
- its just a game and its sad there is this clan war.

so i would like to get unban.
Playla Diamond
QUOTE (Playla Diamond @ Jul 16 2022, 12:02 AM) *
i was banned, just of beeing a KoF-member(short time)...
there was no other reason and NEVER a problem with me on SM-server/ingame.

Im not more a KoF member, it was a honor for me to be in a clan,
but its better to be for my own- i just want to play!

- racist
- trolling
- pervert
- or disrespecting an admin
on your server/ ingame...

I wasn't even voted out of the game...

i even tried to mediate, on both sides,
in your kindergarten war of clans(SM/KOF)
- you can read it in your forum..

I dont care about kindergarten war of clans (SM/KOF), anymore.
- its just a game and its sad there is this clan war.

so i would like to get unban.

you guys ignore my question for getting unban since more than 3 month now....
so i have to ask again ? 3rd time now !
becouse of unnecessary ban me for beeing a KoF member in the past without a negative history on your server...

ban the player for breaking the rules on your server/ingame, not if you dont like them personal or dont understand them...
Opinions can be different...

whatever- stay healthy and i still wish you all the best
A clanwide vote to decide this has concluded, the majority decision was the ban stands and will not be removed.

No further appeals will be considered and posts to that effect will be removed.

I'm aware that you still be play on SM on an alt.
I have no current desire to extend the bans out to alts for you, but please bear this in mind as an option if we start seeing trouble.

closing thread.
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