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Full Version: AKVATOR application to join SM
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Hi everyone!

I am from Croatia. This game means a lot to me because it made my childhood so I am very dedicated to this. Also, only server where I can truly enjoy is SM server. Reason to that is no-toxic community and very friendly admins. I would like to make positivity in that server and stop all rule-breakers so we can all enjoy the game. "Toxic can't live in SM" tongue.gif

I hope I will become one of you and have that "=SM=" in my name. wink.gif

- also I have 1.8k hours in chiv and I play it since 2017.
hey AKVATOR(360)

Thank you for taking the time and showing your interests in joining =SM= smile.gif.

From here we will create an internal poll where SM members can vote and discuss your application.
This process takes from 1 to 2 weeks or longer. After this, we will notify you about your decision.

Meanwhile, relax and have fun with the rest of SM wonderful community in game biggrin.gif
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