=SM= Direwolf
Jun 15 2022, 06:49 AM
Hello there good people. I would like to join to SM clan since i was playing a lot Chivalry 1 (more than1k hours and i know its kinda rookie numbers but still

) before on SM server. Also i new a lot of people there and have with them good relationships. And here Chivalry 2 is coming and i would like to try play it in competitive way but also just play for fun. Here is the link to my steam profile:
https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198287347335Stay safe and medieval!
Mr. Kit
Jun 15 2022, 03:55 PM
Hello there, Direwolf.
Thanks for your application. The process from here will now be, we are going to create an internal poll where SM members can vote for and discuss about your application. This process takes from 1 to 2 weeks. After this, we are going to notify you about your decision.
In the meanwhile, be patient and make sure to show yourself in the server 😏