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Full Version: Chimpie's application to join SM
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Hey folks, most of you probably know me from hanging out in the server, but for the ones that don't. I'm Chimpie and i have been playing Chiv for a couple years now, around 2000 hours in. I've happily ''wasted'' a lot of that time on the server. Mostly because i really enjoy the little community we still have and I would like that to remain for as long as possible. For a game that maybe isn't as big as it used to be, i still really enjoy the time i have with it. This is the first time I actually apply to be an admin for anything, but figured i'd be down to give it a go for a game that i still enjoy a lot to this day. Also I am usually around pretty randomly throughout the day, but sometimes when i get on early, either the server is possibly down to salty people (let's not get into that to much), or there aren't any admins around early on. And maybe i could be of help there whenever I can.

Here is the link to my steam profile i needed:

Anyway's, that's pretty much it, give it a thought and i'll see you guys in Chiv! smile.gif

Queen Munchkin
Hey Chimpie! Welcome to the forum and thank you for your application =)

Firstly we will start with an internal vote and discussion about your application.

It will take around 2 weeks or in some cases a bit more to make a decision. If we have any questions for you we will let you know!

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