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Full Version: Ban appeal
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Lord Cosmo
I was playing on your TOBJ server on Chivalry, and I pursued an enemy who was fighting a friendly. I am not very good at the game and hit the friendly man twice, a simple mistake. The man who I hit was a moderator, if I remember correctly it was Grateful Death. He proceeded to become agitated at my failure to help him and some argument followed. He promptly kicked me from the server but I just re-joined. A little later on, after having defended myself in the chat against him and why I thought kicking me was wrong, I saw that he was AFK at our spawnpoint. I jokingly pressed the F key to kick him, followed by the taunt option from the in game voice lines. A kick does minimal damager to an opponent, even less to a friendly, but I was banned from the server. This is my appeal to this ban, and I have explained why I feel it was unjustified and that I should be unbanned. I am willing to take responsibility for my actions and apologize if necessary, because your chivalry server is the only populated TOBJ one at the moment and I would like to continue to play on it.

Regards, Lord Cosmo
Sir Robin (not so brave)
Hello and sorry for the late reply.

Can you please give us the link to your steam profile so we can check?
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