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Still teamdamaging on purpose.
Hey justice warrior! Why you didnt post when he hit me . He hit me and killed me first for no reason. Also i threw this oil pot to agatha enemy. Stop focusing and bullying me.
As you can see in the recording there were no enemies nearby. Also note that revenge teamkilling/ teamdamaging is against the rules. Try to keep calm when getting teamdamaged as it is a big part of the game. If you see someone teamdamaging on purpose you can report them as well.
Hey genius! He killed me before that video. Stfu and play. Dont cry again.
Sir Robin (not so brave)
QUOTE (XOCCO @ Aug 31 2021, 03:16 PM) *
Hey genius! He killed me before that video. Stfu and play. Dont cry again.

Don't be toxic! Catbug explains correctly what you're doing wrong and you're are calling him names and throwing a tantrum.

He is right: revenge team damage/team kill is not allowed! Team kills happen. But if they team killed you on purpose then you have several options:
  • warn them in chat
  • vote kick them
  • tell admins (if there are any in game)
  • record evidence: video is best, but enough screenshots would do. also include their steam profile

You can do any or all of these. Or you can ignore the TK and carry on. But if you revenge TK you risk getting banned.

I already banned you for 24 hours, so I won't add another ban this time. But be warned that this kind of behavior is not tolerated on the server.

Nay, i threw this oil poit to Agatha enemy. If i should ignore tks and tds they should too. Admins don't check who is lying, they just banned me fastly. It happened like i said. Sorry not sorry!
Sir Robin (not so brave)
The video shows nobody around the archer when you throw that firepot on them. The video also shows you attacked the archer after you threw the firepot. But we should not believe our eyes and take your word on it.

Not sorry, but now I'll add a ban for you.
Ahah i don't care. Admins are sleeping in the game. They are useless.
Well, that's just rude. So you were caught, with evidence. At best was revenge teamkilling (which is against the rules) assumed we believe you were attacked first. At worst, assuming we don't believe you, you were just caught teamkilling and using revenge as an excuse.
Either way, you broke the rules, you got banned.

The admins in the game can only ban what they see or what we have evidence of. That's why revenge TKs are often annoying, someone starts something, it gets reported and by the time an admin takes time out of their game to spectate and find the player the only thing they see is the revenge TK and then have to take action.

Either way the admins are taking time out of playing the game to try and deal with TKing idiots such as yourself, so your little jibes of "sorry not sorry", calling admins useless and general rudeness show absolutely no contrition or understanding of the rules you've broken.

I'm therefore adding a 10 day ban.

Now, I know it's going to be tempted to post some more garbage: it's not a discussion, the ban will stay irrespective of anything you post. You've broken the rules, you've come on here and been offensive to people that are just trying to help the server remain smooth
You can accept this and get on with playing around the 12th Sept or you can post something (probably offensive) again. If you do the latter I'm just going to remove the post and perma ban you.


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