Aug 22 2021, 05:16 PM
Hi this guy was tking and attempting to get me kicked from server.
https://steamcommunity.com/id/Plunderbus/American guy - which i suspect is double account (but you have no rules against that so ok)
Dont have the screenshot where he attempted to votekick me off but
Rexii, Poppy, Vhalerian, MR OA47 was there but no admins like Munchkin
Queen Munchkin
Aug 23 2021, 02:37 AM
Hey Kane! Thank you for your report. We've been having issues like this lately with similar people joining and causing trouble.
I checked your evidence. Other people complained about him too and I decided to spectate for a bit and saw the way he was behaving.
He's now banned for 1 week.
Queen Munchkin
Aug 23 2021, 02:37 AM
Hey Kane! Thank you for your report. We've been having issues like this lately with similar people joining and causing trouble.
I checked your evidence. Other people complained about him too and I decided to spectate for a bit and saw the way he was behaving.
He's now banned for 1 week.
Queen Munchkin
Aug 23 2021, 02:37 AM
Hey Kane! Thank you for your report. We've been having issues like this lately with similar people joining and causing trouble.
I checked your evidence. Other people complained about him too and I decided to spectate for a bit and saw the way he was behaving.
He's now banned for 1 week.
Queen Munchkin
Aug 23 2021, 02:38 AM
Errrrrmmmm for some reason the forum bugged and I replied 100 times LOL. Sorry
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