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Full Version: Ban request
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Hi, today at the afternoon 18pm Aidry has started killing me without a reason. First, he started pushing me down the wall and killing me (map: Belmez), after this, he did the same a second time.

After recriminating him (he said "sorry" in the chat, as if it had not been on purpose) he decided to kill me three more times. He had 54 kills and a 10% TD. Mine was 5% or less. Crizatu and the other players saw it too.

I have a screenshot of him on his last TK. Also the stats. These types of players are the ones who abuse others and have no place on a managed server.

I have no more proof, you can ask. I am a friendly player and I wouldn't waste my time writing this just to upset someone. I had other similar encounters with rookie players, as we all have, and I have let them go because it really doesn't matter. But this player is level 58, he knew what he was doing, and he knew there were no admins at the time to punish him. That is why I open this post here.

Thanks a lot.


I have a recording to add, here's it the way he was acting. Crizatu was trying to stop him as you can see.
Sir Robin (not so brave)
Hi and thanks for your report. It would be good if you can add the offending player's steam profile. One way to get it is to go to Steam -> Friends -> Recently Played With and try to find them there.
Hi Robin, yes, here is the profile:

Seems he has the profile at private mode.
Sir Robin (not so brave)
That's OK. Thank you
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