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Full Version: Ban appeal Bogy91
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Hey guys,
I'd like to appeal an auto-ban. Literally entered the map and wrote "How goes it brave kniggits (as in the Monty Python reference) and it kicked me out for racist language.
Please help.
You need to provide your steam ID.

And you may have to wait up to 3 days for the admin who ban you reply.
"We've already got one"

I was on the server when this happened. I thought it was an accidental misspelling at the time, but you are correct this phrase is from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

I did release this ban at the time, were you not able to rejoin the server? Sometimes the bot will re-apply the ban. The banbot dislikes Monty Python as much as racist language, but you are showing as not currently banned.

Try to reconnect to the server and post here if you still cannot connect. And one other thing: read the rules and follow them. This is not the first time the banbot has taken exception to something you have said, Bogy.

For information:
Hey Monk,
I'm still banned, I'd say the bot re-applied it. And last time it was an accident too, some guy had a racist word in cyrillic in his name and i tried to tell him something and it banned me.
Please halp again, and thanks in advance.
Yes I was on the server when the bot reapplied it! It's my fault I had unbanned using the wrong method before. I have sent you a dm about this already, please check your steam messages
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