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Full Version: Ban appeal
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Date: I think 1yr ago
Time: I am sorry. I don't know.
Steam: 76561197960287930
Admin who issued the ban : I am sorry, but I don't remember.
Additional information: It is my first ban. Please give me a chance. I will behave. I am never starting a fight first, but when it began, I have a temper issue.
I would be a good citizen once again and will try to avoid any unnecessary arguments.
Sir Robin (not so brave)
As far as I can see this account is not banned and hasn't been banned at least in the last 3 years. What do you see when you try to join the server?
Thank you for the swift reply.

The server(only SM server, not official) kicks me out right away.
And I can see the window "Kick Reason" with the descriptions "You have been ban."

Can somebody help me plz?

Maybe the steam link is wrong. (I used the conversion site to find the steam ID link before)
When I check my steam profile address in Chrome, it shows like below.

I know it is a dead game but I want to stay until the end.
Sir Robin (not so brave)
Your steam profile is You've been banned on 2019-07-08, but the ban was lifted on 2021-03-30. After that I see a couple of 10 minute bans with the message "You have been banned. Mistake? Go to and PM an admin/mod with your steam profile." But they are for 10 minutes so they have expired.

What happens when you try to join the server?
Whenever I tried to connect to SM Server with The same message occurred.
"You have been banned. Mistake? Go to and PM an admin/mod with your steam profile."
I tried almost every day since last week.

Sir Robin (not so brave)
Frankly I have no idea where this message is coming from. Perhaps you are banned in the official servers and this ban is somehow propagated to the =SM= server?
Ah it was from official servers, catbug says:

"@SniperJ You have used multiple accounts to play on the low rank servers and one of our admins has given you a clear warning about a ban if you continued. You will have to write an honest appeal in order for us to consider an unban."

We still stream bans from the officials list. Although that should probably be open to clan vote now whether we continue that or not.
To catbug and other modulators.

I am glad now I know who's behind my ban.
But, that's not the entire story so I will tell you what really happenned.

I am not the bad guy here but catbug is.
I clearly remember you and other high-level players slaughtered lots of low-level players in FFA.
So, I accused you of this behavior. I tried my best to kill you and your friend in FFA and I think I succeeded several times but most of the time I also slaughtered by you and your buddy in FFA.
The reason I played in a low-level server, I try to learn how to play as in other classes.

If you warn me as a modulator, I will certainly listen to you.
But, you already know your behavior is not right so you decided to abuse your authorities.

Now I know, my action also against the rules. So, I apologize to those who try to maintain peace for what I have done.
But, I can't say sorry to you, catbug. Be honest, you should be banned for what you've done.

I hoping to die with this game till the end but if catbug is the modulator, I will accept your permanent ban.

To catbug and other modulators.

I am glad now I know who's behind my ban.
But, that's not the entire story so I will tell you what really happenned.

I am not the bad guy here but catbug is.
I clearly remember you and other high-level players slaughtered lots of low-level players in FFA.
So, I accused you of this behavior. I tried my best to kill you and your friend in FFA and I think I succeeded several times but most of the time I also slaughtered by you and your buddy in FFA.
The reason I played in a low-level server, I try to learn how to play as in other classes.

If you warn me as a modulator, I will certainly listen to you.
But, you already know your behavior is not right so you decided to abuse your authorities.

Now I know, my action also against the rules. So, I apologize to those who try to maintain peace for what I have done.
But, I can't say sorry to you, catbug. Be honest, you should be banned for what you've done.

I hoping to die with this game till the end but if catbug is the modulator, I will accept your permanent ban.

To catbug and other modulators.

I am glad now I know who's behind my ban.
But, that's not the entire story so I will tell you what really happens.

I am not the bad guy here but catbug is.
I clearly remember you and other high-level players slaughtered lots of low-level players in FFA.
So, I accused you of this behavior. I tried my best to kill you and your friend in FFA and I think I succeeded several times but most of the time I also slaughtered by you and your buddy in FFA.
The reason I played in a low-level server, I try to learn how to play as in other classes.

If you warn me as a modulator, I will certainly listen to you.
But, you already know your behavior is not right so you decided to abuse your authorities.

Now I know, my action also against the rules. So, I apologize to those who try to maintain peace for what I have done.
But, I can't say sorry to you, catbug. Be honest, you should be banned for what you've done.

I hoping to die with this game till the end but if catbug is the modulator, I will accept your permanent ban.

Sir Robin (not so brave)
SniperJ, you should write in tornbanner forum. It is highly unlikely that they will see your reply here.
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