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Full Version: ban appeal
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Hello there

My ingame Name is SirSmokeALot, i was baned from your server like 5 years ago for trolling.
I m sorry i did that and i promise to play fair and dont troll anymore.
Can u plz unban me? I will be a good shieldbrother smile.gif


You were banned in September 2015 for teamkilling.
Please wait 3 days for the admin who banned you to respond.
If 3 days pass and no response from the admin, we will provisionally lift your ban smile.gif
ok thank u very much.
I dont really remember about any Teamkilling in the past, i usually never do this.
i really hoped to play today some but ok, i will wait 3 days..

Sir Robin (not so brave)
It's best if you link to your steam profile in your ban appeal. Is it this one
No its not me from this link
Here is my account link:

i hope it works.

Sir Robin (not so brave)
Ah, so it was my ban in the game, but it was in response to your behavior in this forum. You were playing as Sir Ironcock at the time.

Here is your ban appeal for previous ban and here is you next topic. There were porn images in the shoutbox too.

Only MonkeyFiend can decide to remove your ban.
What the hell.. i cant remember any of this posts!! i though i m baned for some trolling in the game.
i really dont know who writed this shit in the forum, but it wasnt me... i would never say stuff like this omg
well this -sir ironcock- troll dont deserve to be unbaned, but im sure it wasnt me who wrote this message...
i remember some of my friends used that account when i was in holydays with my family years ago.
seems 1 of this idiots posted this crap..

Well i understand if u dont unban me for this shit, my account my responsibility.
i was playing a lot on your server in the old times, and was always friendly to all so idk..
Sorry for my troll friends..
QUOTE (MonkeyFiend @ Mar 7 2021, 02:48 PM) *
I think this is different ban (sir ironcokc vs sirsmokealot) the hardware IDs and origin countries are different, so likely different people.

Sir Robin (not so brave)
So we should unban then?
yeah, I have no issue with that smile.gif
Sir Robin (not so brave)
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