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Full Version: Ban appeal
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Date: Date of when the ban occurred (approximate if unsure): Around 2 weeks ago

Time: Time of when the ban occurred. GMT if possible: unsure

Steam: Link to your steam profile here:

Admin who issued the ban : Name of the admin that banned you. Leave blank if unknown

Additional information: Any useful or necessary information for your appeal including links to screenshots/videos etc

Situation: I was banned because I temporarily lost my mind and started randomly tking other players.
There is no excuse for my behavior as over the years of playing Chivalry I have witnessed that the majority of players are respectful and observe the rules and protecals of the servers.
I now know that playing the Sneaky Monkey server is not a right but a privilege. If you lift my ban I promise I will observe the server rules to the letter.
I really enjoy Chivalry and it upsets me not to be able to play on the biggest and best Chivalry server.

This is why you drink camomila tea during chiv.
Give us some time for the admin that issued the bad to answer here.
Sir Robin (not so brave)
Some more info about the ban. It was issued on 2021-02-19 for "intentional team damage" and is for 1 week. That is, it will expire on 2021-02-26 at 22:19:25 GMT.

The admin who banned you may decide to remove it earlier, or you'll just have to wait for a few more days.
Can you check if you can log-in now Strato?
I tried to join but I still cant join.
All good. Thanks
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