Feb 14 2021, 01:52 PM
Date: I don't remember
Time: Same here
https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198354310047/Admin who issued the ban :
Additional information: None
Situation: Hi there I don't remember why I got banned from the Chivalry SM server so could you guys please let me know why. I understand I might have misbehaved during a game session but I'd like to get deban if possible. Thanks in advance guys.
Feb 14 2021, 03:50 PM
You were banned on Tuesday 11th August for intentional teamdamage, you were also previously seen trolling Mokoto on the 2nd August, blocking the spawn and provoking him.
I think this was my ban (other admins pls correct me if I am wrong).
If you are to be unbanned I want to know that you wont be trolling or teamkilling again.
Feb 14 2021, 04:08 PM
Hi Raven and thanks for your reply.
Then I definitely misbehaved this time and I won't troll or teamkill anymore.
Thanks so much if you are to deban me.
Feb 14 2021, 04:38 PM
I will lift your ban when the server is next empty (early morning)
Feb 15 2021, 11:06 AM
I've lifted your ban, see you ingame!