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Full Version: Got banned because of a joke about monks after admin abuse
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > General > Public Discussion
SM Monk(something) got mad at me, because at first there was a discussion about him changing the maps as he wanted (I didn't take part in it), and then I got banned because I answered to "Monk touch is a bless" - "Monk touch is a pedophilia (no offence)". Is that right? I mean come on? Obvious admin abuse.
Sir Robin (not so brave)
It's the first time I see somebody make a ban appeal for 2 hours and 45 minutes ban!

Per our standard policy, you'll have to wait for up to 3 days for the admin who banned you to reply tongue.gif
It's more like a complainment than an appeal.
Yes, I can see how you may think I act incorrectly. After all, such a short ban for this disgusting behaviour does not seem enough when you explain what you said. I agree I was far too lenient and have since considered a much longer ban.

This time though, you will get another chance. I'd urge you not to waste it.
QUOTE (HolyDonkey @ Feb 6 2021, 02:39 PM) *
"Monk touch is a pedophilia (no offence)". Obvious admin abuse.

QUOTE (HolyDonkey @ Feb 6 2021, 02:39 PM) *
SM Monk(something) got mad at me, because at first there was a discussion about him changing the maps as he wanted (I didn't take part in it) Obvious admin abuse.

QUOTE (HolyDonkey @ Feb 6 2021, 02:41 PM) *
I agree that the named admin abuses his powers on every single step.

Obvious lier.
Fightdrug *-*
QUOTE (HolyDonkey @ Feb 6 2021, 02:39 PM) *
SM Monk(something) got mad at me

the good old Monksomething xD
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