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Full Version: Ban Appeals
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Date: about 1-3 years ago
Time: no idea
Admin who issued the ban :
Additional information:
Situation: Hey, I’m not sure but i problably pissed a bunch of people off in chat or i did some massive tk if i remember (it was very long ago). I’m sure I was out of line. Sorry for breaking the rules. Please lift the ban, I am sorry. I will not tk or break any rule again. I really liked to play on SM while it lasted.
Sir Robin (not so brave)
You were banned on 2018-01-29 with the stated reason "INT_TK__". Normally you'd have to wait for up to 3 days for the admin who banned you to reply.

But this ban was most probably issued by Airplane, who is no longer in SM, so I removed it.

(I can always add it back it I was wrong and it was issued by another admin.)
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