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Full Version: Reporting a troll -- LavaSourceGames™
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
LavaSourceGames™ is a troll.

TLDR: he lied about me being a tker and toxic, attacked and votekicked me.

I accidentally damaged him -- 17 hp. He ran into my swing when I was killing worshippers at Cove.

Immediately he tried to votekick me. Without even giving me a chance to say "sorry". It can be seen at the screenshots. The vote started before my respawn.

He said I tked him intentionnally when there were no enemies around.
He was lying so I explained what happened and told him to fuck off. Then he started to call me toxic in chat and tried to voteckick me again several times.
Then started to attack me. I didn't hit him back! He accused me in TKing him at spawn. His next try to votekick me succeed.

Screenshots --
Video proof that the screenshots are not forged by me --

Please, ban this lying POS from the server.

UPD: "doktr" is in Lava's friendlist on Steam. That's why he confirmed Lava's lie about me attacking him at spawn. He probably deserves a ban too.
Hey, thanks for the reports.

I still can't add offline bans but I have noted both of the profiles. I keep an eye out for them both and will deal with when I see in the server, that is unless one of my more capable companions want to take this one over.
Hello, Doktr and Lava source are both players from the competitive scene and yes they are friends. Chiv comp scene is made of some toxic players unfortunately and you right to make that post. I was just saying you this to give you the context, I don't wanna get involved in this as I'm playing with Lava for a draft tournament in 2 weeks, I know the others admins will do what needs to be done.
Thank you, Monkwon and Darth!
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